Chapter Twenty-Five

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Thursday. Three more days until Lucas comes back to New York. Three more days until break is over though.

I was headed to Riley's, taking a different, less crowded route that passed a ball field. Why would people play baseball when it's snowing?

I looked around the field and accidentally made eye contact with Billy. Dang it.

"Hey!" He waved, running up to me.

"Hi." I forced a smile so I wouldn't seem too irritated with him.

"You ready to come look at that present yet?" He slipped his hands into his pockets and raised his eyebrows hopefully.


"Please Maya. He's comming back soon and I really need to know if he'll like it or if I need to get him something else." I sighed, but agreed to follow Billy to his apartment.

"Why can't you just tell me what it is?" I asked as we walked along the sidewalk.

"It's complicated." He stated simply. I disagreed, but stayed quiet. I shook my head at his response and continued to follow his lead to his apartment.

"This is a really long walk." I mumbled, starting to get tired. He ignored my comment and continued walking. We turned down a street and a gust of wind made me squint, causing my eyes to water.

"Crying?" Billy laughed, looking down at me.

I looked up at him, not replying, but wanting to turn around and just forget about the stupid present he was getting Lucas. Lucas probably doesn't even want a present from Billy, but who am I to put my two cents into a situation or tradition I know nothing about.

We walk into an apartment building and down a hallway. He pointed to a door at the end of the hall, and when we arrived at it, he unlocked it. I walked in before him and he followed, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Uh, why'd you do that?" I asked pointing to the lock on the door.

"Just to be safe."

Understandable. I do the same thing when I'm at my apartment. I always lock the door because it makes me feel safe.

"So where's the present?" I asked, taking my coat off.

"Don't be in such a hurry. You want something to eat, drink?"

"No thank you, I already ate." I said. He shrugged and got something to eat for himself, leaning against a wall. "Billy I came here to see what you got Lucas, not to spend quality time with someome who bullies my friends."

"I'll show you the present, babe. Calm down."

Chills went down my spine when I heard him say "Babe," and I wanted to throw up. "Don't call me that, Billy."

"I call everyone babe, it's just what I do."

"No. No you don't. You're not from the south, and you aren't from England, you don't just call people babe. Especially when you know they have a boyfriend."

"So what? I bet you Lucas has never called you 'Babe' or 'hot' or 'sexy.' Maya he's so inexperienced, it makes me laugh."

"Billy stop! Just show me what you got Lucas so I can leave!" He threw his hands up in defeat and lead me to one of the rooms in his house.

I walked in and leaned against the same wall the door was on, crossing my arms over my chest.

"So?" I said, obviously irritated again, this time not trying to hide it.

"Oh, there's no present for Lucas, honey." He shut the door and I immediately reached for the knob. Billy grabbed my wrist and my stomach flopped.

"Wh-what?" I was frozen still but my body shook slightly.

"It's more of a present for you."He smirked. I felt sick to my stomach and I tried to get my arm out of his grip, but he tightened his fingers around it, and grabbed my other wrist just as tight.

"Billy stop! You don't want to do this..." I pleaded. I was still struggling to get out of his grasp, but like the first time, he tightened his grip. My wrists started to hurt so much from his strength, that I gave up and stopped fighting him. It wasn't worth the pain that causes tears to fall onto my face.

He let go of my wrists and grabbed my waist, pulling me off the wall and into his body.

"Stop!" I screamed, hoping someone in this building would hear me and knock on the front door.

Billy pressed his lips to mine and I turned away, moving my head from side to side to avoid him.

"I swear to God if you fight this I'll make it ten times worse." He snarled, pulling my body closer to his, if that was possible. His fingertips were digging into my lower back and I tried to stop the tears falling from my eyes.

I didn't know what his intentions were at the moment, and I didn't want to know what would happen if I fought him. I cringed as Billy started to kiss me again. I decided kissing him back would make him more at ease and possibly happy... so that's what I did.

Billy moved from my lips and started kissing my neck and collar bone. Still feeling sick to my stomach, but not wanting to make him mad, I stayed still. He was focused on one particular spot near my collar bone, and it started to hurt pretty badly.

I heard the front door open and I gasped, turning my head to the direction of the door. Billy didn't stop. Another door closed and Billy pushed me off of him.

"Go." He spoke cold and bitter. "Get out." I gladly obliged and ran out of the room and out of the front door.

I ran as fast as I could back to my house, where I knew I could be alone. I slammed the door and my phone vibrated as I was pacing in my living room.

Lucas: Hey babe. How're you doing?

I saw the word babe and immediately felt sick to my stomach again. My stomach turned and my cheeks tingled. I went to my bathroom, pulling back my hair, and leaned over the toilet. As much as I felt the urge to throw up, nothing much came up because I haven't eaten much in the last two days.

I decided a shower would be a good idea. I turned on the hot water, grabbed a towel and a change of clothes, and the little piece of metal that I haven't used in a while...

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