Chapter Two XO

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He walked the two of us behind the building. I wouldn't dare attempt anything here. The floor was cold and damp, I was wearing a short dress. Not to mention the temperature was dipping down into what I assumed hell felt like if it froze over.

He tried pressing my back against the wall, but I refused, turning us until he felt the cold wet bricks. He shivered and I smirked a bit, feeling slightly empowered.

He was more noticeable now than he was inside, despite the sun setting. His face was angular, his shoulders broader than I would have imagined. His eyes seemed brighter.

He frowned at me, reaching his hands down. I thought he'd make a move to grab my butt, but his hands grabbed the back of my legs, lifting me up. He turned us over until he pressed me against the building.

Different sensations covered my body. My back and hair were damp with cold; while my breasts pressed tightly against his chest. He pulled my legs to wrap around his waist and surprisingly, I followed suit. His breath pushed clouds of cold air against my face and neck. It smelled like wine, but surprisingly sweet.

He used the wall as support, my arms wrapped around his neck. His palms cupped my cheeks as he leaned forward. He was about to kiss me and I already felt soaked. I didn't even know his name. The wine was getting to my head and while my body shivered I felt warm. He pulled back a few inches and frowned again. I kept making him mad?

He supported me with his hands and pulled me away from the wall. He glared at nothing in particular when he felt my soaked back and blonde hair.

He somehow balanced me until he opened a car door. I think it moved automatically, but I wasn't sure. As we moved I nuzzled against his neck. I couldn't bring myself to feel embarrassed, he was amazingly warm.

He laid me in the back seat, then closed the door behind me. It felt cold inside, the dark seats seemed harder than his tuxedo had been.

The front door of the building opened as no-name started driving us away. It was Jamie and she seemed very annoyed. Her eyes scanned the driveway, looking for someone. I closed my eyes as the heater in the car turned on. He aimed it at me, which I was thankful for.

He drove us towards the hotel. The entire first and second floor was rented out for the wedding; woman on the first and men on the second.

I finally realized I left my purse and jacket in the reception. I was going to say something so we could head back, but his fingers lightly tugged on my chin. He pulled me in his direction until he gave my lips the faintest brush.

My body nearly trembled with pent up energy. The parked car didn't register until he unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me over to his lap. His hands pulled at my clothing, but didn't quite take anything off. He massaged my breasts and bottom, eventually brushing over my flat stomach and nearing the front of my underwear.

I squirmed on his pants, biting over his neck and shoulder; occasionally hard enough to leave a mark. He didn't allow his hands to wander far and neither did I. We were exposed and in a car. While the party was still taking place, other people were already heading back to their rooms. I may have been buzzed, but I wasn't stupid.

We groped and petted one another until the car began to grow cold. He unclicked his seatbelt and opened the door. He was mindful of me as he turned to get out. My legs held onto his waist, as my hands made their way to his neck and shoulders for support. He stood up from the car and closed the door, locking it behind us. His palms went to my bottom, lifting me up a few inches as I had begun to slid down his suit.

He lightly kissed my neck and cheeks as he walked into the first floor of the hotel. "What's your room number?" He whispered in my ear.

I shivered, not knowing how to react, my mind going blank. I pushed the next words out, "I left my purse at the party." That earned something acute to a smile from him, though I wasn't entirely sure why.

He peeked down the next hall and seeing it empty he went up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I noticed how fit he was as he climbed the steps by twos. Once he was on the second floor he slowed his pace and opened the door. He walked freely, passing a few men on either side. They stared, but didn't say anything. I no longer felt tired as he unlocked his room and went inside.

The man threw me on the bed. The mattress bounced with my weight, making me giggle; something I wouldn't normally do without alcohol.

He kept the lights off, pulling his tie loose and over his head. He was about to unbotton his shirt, but he paused, making eye contact with me.

He stepped towards me and grabbed my leg, dragging me towards him. His hand held the black tie, while his other reached to brush my lips. He knelt down on the covers leaning towards me. "Stay still Laura." His deep voice whispered, almost like a threat. I exhaled as his warm breath hit my face.

He seemed to take that as a sign so he grabbed the edge of my dress. He lightly massaged my thigh and leaned in closer to me, lightly kissing my cheek as he ripped the fabric.

The room felt colder than I would have preferred, but somehow it made the entire experience exhilarating. It was a two hundred dress he destroyed, but I wasn't complaining. In fact I felt less claustrophobic.

Mr.No-Name trailed his eyes over my body. Somehow watching the bulge in his pants grow, made me more aroused that it was by me. His hands grabbed both of mine. He pressed a chaste kiss against my lips and tied my wrists together with his black tie.

This definitely wasn't like me. I wondered how awful I would feel the next day knowing a stranger tied me up and used me for his own pleasure, but I needed this and I certainly wasn't going to complain; unless I needed to finish it up on my own. But judging from the look he gave me, I wasn't going to need too.

He pushed my joined hands above me as he pressed his face against my chest. He was almost like a teenager discovering breasts for the first time. He licked and nipped at the skin available to him so I tried meeting him half way by arching my back. When I lowered my hands to touch his face he glared, stopping me in my tracks. He trailed his hand towards my back to unhook the tan laced fabric.

He didn't waste time in discarding the bra before licking each breast. A soft moan escaped my lips, drawing his attention as he leaned up and nipped my bottom lip before sucking on it. My legs shifted against each other, trying to instinctually create as much friction as possible but I didn't get far when his palms forced me to stop. In fact, he spread my legs further with a smirk before going back to my chest. He pressed himself against my panties, his pants still on.

I honestly wish he would stop with the foreplay and just fuck me already.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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