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I got up. It hurt alot.
My parents stuck there balloon heads out the window,watching me.
Kinda creepy.
I started to run, limp, not even.
Then I tripped, kinda.
I kept run-limping, through people.
Then this girl started to walk up to me.
It was creepy.
"Did you run away?" She said.
I stared at her wierdly.
"Yeah" I answered.
She nodded than than said "I ran away to." Still creepy.
The girl had dirty blond hair and was wearing a baseball cap.
Her clothes were a bit wierd.
She was wearing a bright green top with a loose brown sweater and ripped jeans.
Her shoes were busted up and cool.
I could tell she was a tomboy.
She put her elbow on my shoulder, like we were best buds.
She stayed there while I kept walking.
And walking and walking.
I getting so tired so I went to go find something soft to sleep on.
I tossed and turned until I finaly fell asleep.
I woke up with my arm hurting.
So I kept walking and walking.
My cast was getting so annoying but I tried to ignore it.
I still walk wondering what will happen next.
I am starting to regret running away.
Sorry the chapter was so short. I am starting to run out of ideas for my book so please comment on some ideas and what I mean by that is please give me ideas, thank you.

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