The Almost Lovers

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Hey all...

so yeah this is a new one and I decided to delete "A not so grown-up chick " because it was just not working out for me and I couldn't continue it as I wanted it to. So here's my new story “The Almost Lovers”!

This chapter is dedicated to my friend of almost 4 years, Golesorkhpz! Thank you for all the therapies! <3

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and I will upload 4 times a week. So be sure to check if you want to read more: P .


My cellphone rang.The screen showed his name.

" Hey Sam... What's up? "

I said the words as my heart was pounding in my chest with an enormous speed.His warm voice answerd.

" Hey, Nothin'... I was just thinking if you were interested in going out tonight... "

then he sighed and continued : " with me and also some friends will be there but I think we'll have some alone time together too... to talk and... "

After all this time he was finally asking me out and I really wanted to say yes, and I don't know what suddenly got into me that I said : " well... Thank you but I'm really busy tonight, so I think I can't come"

His breathing voice stopped on the other side of the line.

" umm... okay! You don't mind if I call your friend... what was her name again? Celeste? "

WHAT A JERK! I managed to spit my words out. " No , No problem at all. You should really call her. okay... yeah! Bye now"

I tried to sound as calm as I could.  I was really pissed and I thanked God for making me say NO to him instead of a yes! who knew how many girls he had asked out before asking me out ?

Five minutes from then and a text message showed up on my cellphone's screen. It was Celeste. I read the message out loud to myself: Andy, Sam just asked me out! Yay! Wanna come?

I answered immediately. I also said a NO to her... after one pathetic year of crushing on this boy, I finally got over him! He was such a jerk.

Mom was yelling from downstairs, again!

"Dinner's ready. For the 10th time its ready. "

She yelled the last word and without thinking I went downstairs. It was a Saturday night and I wasn't out hanging with my friends...

The Almost LoversWhere stories live. Discover now