My Beach First

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I glared at her taking my phone back and playfully punching her arm. I scowled. I was tired!! She pouted, "Aw come on, I wasn't even reading your texts." I opened my phone and showed her the screen. It was my text messages. "Last time I checked my phone, it wasn't on the text page. And by the way this chat was three weeks ago!!" I said rolling my eyes. She frowned and then said "Well I had to read your texts. It's a must!!", "I don't see why" I shot back at her. She sighed and placed her hand on her heart taking a tragic expression and fake crying. "I'm forever alone." She exclaimed, shaking her head dramatically. I laughed and squeezed my closest cousin in a tight bear hug. She laughed too and then started babbling away about totally random stuff. "Would you guys shush for a second, I'm trying to sleep!" My brother exclaimed raising his hand in frustration. We kept quiet while we both counted ten seconds in our head and then started talking again louder and faster than before. My brother groaned and slid down in his seat covering his face in his hands. Then I looked out the window. I gasped and all the sleepiness that had been with me from this morning vanished in a second! "GUYS LOOK" I almost shouted at them. "LOOK AT THAT!!"

I was looking at the beach. The waves crashed in and out like white beautiful stallions charging into battle. The water glistened and the foamy spray splashed out of the water and high into the air. I rolled the window down. I tasted the cold salty ocean mist settling on my face, mouth and down my chin as I shivered. The sun gleamed down on the ocean water and from far away it looked like light shining down on a crystal breaking into pieces and shattering colored light every were. I was drawn into the water and suddenly I was in a place filled with beautiful and majestic creatures running up and down and jumping as I ran along with them. The sky was shattered, and it looked as if millions of colored glass shards were falling down though when it hit me... it was cold water and...

"Earth to Ella!" my cousin said snapping me out of my daydream. I sighed, then my eyes seeing the water brightened me up a bit. My cousin rolled her eyes and then ran off shouting something to me but her words were lost in the wind as my hair whipped around my face. "Hello??" her loud voice came drifting back to me. "What are you waiting for?" I suddenly remembered why I was hear I ran to the beach stubbing my toe at least three times in the process. When I reached the shore I grabbed my cousin's hand and we plunged into the deep dark water. We surfaced to the top laughing and screaming at the same time. We plowed in deeper laughing and dancing riding the ginormous waves. I squeezed her hand as we ran, our faces almost under the water, our feet touching the sand beneath the water. Then I dropped. "eeeek" I squealed, as my foot felt the sand about a meter down from where the sandy ground we were walking on was. As we surfaced my cousin and I stared at each other in shock as I finished the squeal I had started as I went under. Then we both laughed. We laughed and giggled and didn't stop until my dad joined us in the water teaching us how to dive under waves. I cherished every moment of the awesome day we spent at the beach. It would always be a memory that stuck and I knew it meant a lot to me. I would never get another day exactly like this and I knew it was going to be one of the best days of my life, feeling the cold water... 

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