Trouble In The Grounds

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Chapter 3 Trouble In The Grounds

Ginny was walking around the grounds thinking about the brief conversation she had with Harry. Ron sure was acting jealous with the thought of Harry spending time with Malfoy. Why was that? Why did Mione assume Harry was with him anyways? As she was walking she walked into a solid wall and fell. She was bracing for impact but it never came. “Are you alright, Red?” She heard the voice of Blaise say. “Y-y-yea. I’m fine.”  She said blushing. He was still holding her by her waist and they didn’t mind at all.

Like an electric shock went through them they jumped apart blushing. “I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I mean you were falling and I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

  Ginny giggled and said “It’s alright Blaise. I walked into you.” I never really noticed how cute he was, Ginny thought. Blaise smirked down at Ginny like he knew what she was thinking. 

“Oh umm. I have to go now. I’m sorry again.”  Ginny ran away blushing furiously. All you could see was a streak of red running across the grounds.

Harry saw Ginny running up to the Castle and wondered what was wrong with her but he didn’t have time to think too much about it because he heard a voice behind him. “Hey, having your fun crushing on Weasley and Granger?”

 “I am not crushing on them, Malfoy. Now leave me alone.”

 “Touchy subject, huh, Potter? I would say I hit a nerve.” Harry jumped up with his wand pointing at Malfoy staring him in his eyes. I never noticed how silver his eyes are. Why am I not hexing him right now?  Malfoy was having a similar internal conversation. 

Wow Potter eyes are really green and they have specks of brown in them. I wonder why he is not hexing me or calling me all different names. 

“Oi Harry what are you doing?!?” Ron shouted breaking them out their trance.

 “Potter here couldn’t keep his eyes off of me.” Ron and Hermione stormed up them. Ron face was as red as his hair. “Bloody hell Harry! What’s wrong with you?” “Ron!”  Hermione gave him a look that said shut your mouth now. “No Hermione this is the second time that he has been with Malfoy and I want to know what is going on.” Harry paled and was visibly shaking. 

“Nothing is going on Ron now leave me alone,” he then stormed away. Malfoy was still there smirking and said “ Blimey! That was interesting!” He too walked away.

Hermione was left with a fuming Ron and he didn’t look like he was gonna cool down anytime soon. So she sat down on the ground by the tree and took out her favorite book; Hogwarts: A History. It took Ron ten minutes to get his thoughts together to say something to her. “Can you believe Harry is hanging around that Ferret? I thought he hated him. What happened to all the name calling and the bullying Malfoy has done to us? I can’t believe him Hermione!” 

“Ron will you calm down please? I want to know why he was around Malfoy too. We just got to ask him in a nice way and don’t go yelling every time we see him.”

 “How can you be so bloody calm? He was with Malfoy for Merlin’s sake!” 

“If you are gonna be so unreasonable I am going to go find Ginny.”  With that being said Hermione left Ron out in the grounds by himself. 

Hermione found Ginny sitting in the Gryffindor Common room. She was in one of the best armchairs by the fire. She looked completely out of it. She didn’t even hear Hermione enter the Common Room or sit beside her. Hermione cleared her throat and Ginny jumped looking around scared. 

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