The Swing Set

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  • Dedicated to Papa

A/N: This is dedicated to my Grandfather who passed away 7/2/2013 from stomach cancer.

Back in the day before i could crawl

You were there when my father wasn't, you gave me it all


You took care of me, gave me all of the best toys

You made life better, no pain, no sadness, no shit, just all of the joys

I remember those days, playing on the swing sets

You'd push me, i'd fly high, happy, just feeling love with no regrets


Feeling the wind in my hair and the rush of blood run through

I wasn't afraid to fall, because you'd catch me, that's what I knew

You gave me a chance to feel true happiness & glee

You gave something more that meant a lot to me


The world seemed to stop in mid air and let my joy thrive

Holding those metal chains swinging up to the sky, I felt so alive

Time went on, and life got hard

Fights broke out, and the family was scarred


Through all their anger i still kept you close

The relationships faded, but ours strengthened the most

More time had soon passed

Life grew more difficult, I hoped it wouldn't last


I fell into a hole and broke down

My troubles were so heavy they took me all the way to the ground

But then... My life took a new turn

My pain, my suffering, helped you return


The family scars slowly began to heal

I brought us together, i was shocked, i thought it couldn't be real

Then it came... in the blink of an eye

The big C, It was the first time i had ever heard you cry


No help, no cure, no way to save you from death

Just when the family was whole, Cancer came along and stole our breath

And now... Even though your dying

I can't help but remember that swing set. That memory is undying


I remember how strong you are 

I remember, how you were always tough, you could take on anything "No holds barred"

Even though, you'll be gone

I love you so much i want you to move on...


I promise I will be OK

You don't have to worry, i will make you proud some day

"I love you papa. I will never forget anything you did for me. When my father was gone you were always there for me. Always. You were one of the only people in this world i could really talk to. You may leave this earth but apart of you will always live on through me." - Jordan (Han_Man)


I'd also like to dedicate this to those of you who have lost a grandparent or close loved one. I have never lost anyone before, and i'm about to loose my grandfather a man who was like a father to me for the first part of my life. We found out 2 days before my 22nd birthday that he had stomach cancer. I was the first person he told the news. Its hard. Its harder knowing your going to loose that person very soon and your just waiting for the day it hits. This is dedicated to all of you who've lost that loved one.

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