I lay there in a dark room
All my friends and family crying
I just lay there smiling
Of course I'm pain, but it will be worth it
Because when I see the light I'll be ok
No more pain
No more sadness
Yes I'm leaving a lot behind
But that doesn't really matter
All the people crying they never cared
They just weren't expecting me to leave
My bed stained with tears and blood
It gets dark as I hear the screams
"NO!" They beg. "PLEASE WAKE UP!" They cry
The darkness turns into a bright light
I hear the laughs and I see the happiness
The pain goes away and I can smile again
People soon forget about me, but I don't care
I'm finally in the place I wanted to be for many years
Poetry"It's going to be okay," they say. "Just try to stay strong." "It's going to be okay," they say. "Just try to smile." "It's never going to be okay," I say. "and I can't stay strong." "It's never going to be okay," I say. "I can't keep smiling No...