Untiled... For Now (Casting Calls) An Mindless Behavior is in it!

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So last night I was doing a documentary about Tupac & Biggie and I had an idea... So it the introduction

My name is Lyric Pauline Crooks and my dad name is Lesane Parish Crooks but you might know him as Tupac Shakur. His best friend was Christopher George Latore Wallace but you known him as The Notorious B.I.G. He had a son name Craig Thomas Wallace and he was my best friend. We known each other because your dads were always together. November 30, 1994 I remember that day like it was yesterday I was 7. Craig and I were watching Tv, when my grandma came in and turn the channel to the news. First thing I saw was a picture of my dad.

"The rapper Tupac Shakur was shot five times and robbed after entering the lobby of Quad Recording Studios in Manhattan. Reports say he was coming to see rapper Biggie before he got shot. The people who were with Pac at the time say that Biggie set them up because on the elevator was one of Biggie's boys was there. I guess to see if the job was done. Well it wasn't because Pac ain't die. And don't forget just yesterday Shakur verdict in his sexual abuse trial was to be announced" I look over at my grandma from look scare.

"Grandma is daddy going to be ok" I saw my grandma pace around the room

"Lyric, stay here I'm going to see your dad!"

"Grandma I want to go see him too."

"Alright Lyric, you and Craig go upstairs and put your shoes on." we ran upstairs and as we put on our shoe, I looked over at Craig and I began to cry.

"Lyric please stop crying, I don't think my dad would do something like that"

"Craig your dad did this... Why does your dad hate my dad is it because we from the West coast" Craig look at me confused

"Lyric you and your dad were born on the New York,so It's doesn't have nothing to do with West or East coast Lyric"

"That's not what my dad said he said that West coast and the East coast have beef with each other. And the fact your dad is a East coast rapper and my dad is an West coast rapper and them being best friends people don't like that. Since my dad is here in the East coast is was perfect for your dad to kill him."

"Lyric my dad is your dad best friend, why would he do something like this." I was about to say something but my grandma was calling us to hurry up and come downstairs. Once downstairs we step outside and we hop in a cab. To the hospital the ride was silent, it Craig at one window my grandma in the middle the me at the other window.

Once we got there, I ran in, with Craig right behind me, I ran to the front desk, I said Hello a couple of times but the lady at the desk didn't see me. I look around and I saw my grandma talking to this man, I've never seen before. Well maybe once or twice in a photo, him and daddy looks alike. I tap Craig and then I point to the man.

"Do you know him?"

"No do you?"

"No" we walk over to my grandma and the man.

"You didn't want to be here when he was born, when you do!" I can hear what what my grandma said he was about to say something but he didn't. He clear his throat and pointed to me and Craig and that when my grandma turn around.

"Hey baby are you ok?"

" Yeah, but grandma who this?" I ask

"No one sweetie"

"Afeni, let me speak to my granddaughter will you?" The man slides my grandma to the side. Did he just call me his granddaughter.

"Hey sweetie what your name?" I look over to Craig, who shrug his shoulders and I look back at him.

"Well, my name is Lyric Pauline Crooks and who are you?"

"I'm your dad's dad" I was confused, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn around it was Craig.

"That means he your granddad" Craig whisper in my ear 


So that's just a preview of the introduce

But this is a casting calls

I need:

Lyric Best Friend: TAKEN

Craig Best Friend (Girl) : TAKEN

P. Diddy daughter: Taken

Mean Girl : Taken



do you sing, rap, and/or dance (pick no more the two)

What do you think of the story so far? (2 sentences) (not require) (but it would be nice too)

What other stories have you read of mine?

Have you ever been in one of my stories before?

Minnie Crippen Out here!!!!

Bye Boobies!!!

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