"Ugh, are you serious!" I yelled in anger

"What's wrong Jules?" My roommate, Kimberly, asked me from our bedroom.

"Tracey didn't put in a new garbage bag! Again!" I yelled slamming my apple on the table of the kitchen in our suite and rummaging through the drawers to try to find the bags. "Awesome, were completely out." I said as she came out holding her laundry basket. I picked my apple core back up and tucked my laundry basket under my armpit following Kimberly out the door.

"I'm going to say something to her." I said, still steaming, tossing my apple core into a garbage can in the hallway.

"What's the point? She's never here anyways."

"Yeah, but when she is, she is always making a mess. I'm so sick of picking up after her."

"I know, it's annoying. Maybe we can ask our RA?"

"I don't know, maybe." I said as we went down the stairway to the basement in our dorms. Kimberly and are both going to school to become teachers. Kimberly wants to be a math teacher and I want to be a science teacher. Chemistry to be exact. Anyways Tracey is our other roommate. She has her own room, but she is never here. She spends the night at her boyfriends dorm room most of the time. Tracey is here for a business degree. That is about all I know about her.

The basement of the dorms is the worst place to be, it's smells horrible down here. Also someone decided that it would be a good idea to put an orange and yellow patterned rug on the cracked concrete floor. Oh, and there is always some pop station on the radio, which wasn't so bad except that the volume was always cranked higher than Tracey. Okay, cheap shot I know. Anyways right now the newest Katy Perry song was on.

"Oh I love this song!" Kimmy exclaimed, she dropped her laundry on the floor and started dancing around the washing machines. "Come on Jules" She said dragging out my name. She pretended to create a lasso and pull me in. To which I accepted, my laundry basket joined hers on the floor as I started to dance with her. We were twirling each other around and swaying our hips to the music. Neither of us had shoes on at this point, we had kicked them off earlier. A new song started playing and soon enough it was Kimmy and I dancing around singing the lyrics to "Love me like you do" By Ellie Goulding. After a few more songs we were laughing and breathing heavy.

"Oh my god, I haven't had that much fun in so long."

"Yeah, studying for midterms is the last thing I want to do lately" I added putting a load of laundry in a washer and putting in some detergent.

"Crap I forgot my notes upstairs, do you have yours on you?" Kimberly asked me as she was sorting out her lights and darks.

"No, I forgot mine too. I can run upstairs and get them if you want?" I offered.

"Yeah, sure. Hey do you have any money on you? While you get them I can run over to the convenient store and pick up some bags. It will be expensive but at lease we wont have to wait for the bus to go to the city."

"Oh, good idea." I said. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to her. "Can you pick up some milk too? I think we're almost out."

"Gotcha. I'll be back in a few." She said walking out the door and leaving me alone.

When I got close to my dorm room I realized that the door was slightly open. Guess Tracey came back for something. I swear she never closes the stupid door. I walked into my room and grabbed my notes, Kimberly's were right on the counter. Before I went back to the basement I decided that I wanted a snack. I grabbed a granola bar out of the cabinet and filled my water bottle up. I left my dorm room, making sure to shut the door and started back downstairs.

Kimberly should have been back by now I thought putting my magazine down on the counter. The buzzer had just gone off on her laundry, and my watch read 9:14 pm. I stood up, stretched for a second, and walked out the door heading to the convenient store to see if she was still there.

"Hi, can I help you?" A males voice greeted me when I opened the door.

"Oh, yeah actually. My friend was supposed to come in here and pick up some things. I was wondering if you had seen her? She is a couple inches taller than me, blonde shoulder length hair, glasses, pink shirt?" I asked.

"Yeah, she left about 10 minutes ago." He said, bored staring at the cash register.

"Okay thanks." I said leaving the store. It was quiet outside, all I could here were the bells on the top of the door that jingled when I closed it. I looked around, but I didn't see Kimmy. She must have gone back to the dorm or something. A huge gust of wind came chilling me. Not very surprising for late October. I pulled my leather jacket closer to my and started to cross the road.

"Somebody help!" I stopped dead in my tracks. Kimberly.

"Kimmy?" I yelled

"Jules help me-" I heard her yell before she was cut off. I ran down the road a little bit and saw a space in between two houses. There I heard voices, a bunch of them.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here all alone?" One of them asked her, I felt my stomach turn over.

"You want to come back to my house and hang out with us don't you, baby?" Another said.

"No, no please." Kimberly pleaded, but one of them hit her.

"Well you see Sweetie, you only have four bucks on you. We need more money, or we need something else from you." A third guy joined in slamming her against the wall.

"Hey!" I yelled running at them. "Get away from her!" I didn't get very far before one of them had me by the throat slamming me into the wall next to Kimberly.

"Well look here, boys. Looks like we got another one to play with." His breath smelled like alcohol and cigarettes.

I reached out to Kimmy and found her hand, I took it in mine and closed my eyes as the second guy hit me in the stomach. It should have hurt, I know that. I was just so scared that I hardly felt his hand. I squeezed her hand and waited for the next blow to come. But it never did.

"What the- AHHH" The guy hitting me went flying back, which sent me back into the wall. Slamming my head I felt myself falling to the ground, hearing Kimmy scream next to me.

When I started to come to my senses I opened my eyes slowly, wiping blood off from my face. There was this guy, I think. He was wearing really weird clothes. Like the kind you would see in old times, and a cape. He was standing over a body. It was one of the men that had me and Kimmy trapped.

Then I saw him lean down and bite his neck! I let out a small scream but immediately covered my hands over my mouth. He looked up at me, blood pouring from his mouth and my eyes went wide. In a second he was right in front of me, nose to nose, and then I couldn't see anything.

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