I woke up in a dark room. I sat up, my head pounding and took in my surroundings. I was in my clothes from last night and I had a white blanket on me, I was on a bed with white sheets, and there was a night stand next to me with a notepad that said Holth Hotel. Shit, that hotel was a couple towns over. I looked around the room for any signs of Kimmy, or anyone else. Slowly I placed my feet on the ground and tried reaching for the phone. Just as I set my hand on it there was a hand on my wrist. I gasped and looked up. The man I saw last night was stanidng in front of me. I pulled my hand away clutching it to my chest. His hand was so cold.

"What do you want with me?" I asked quietly, so quiet I wasn't sure that this man was going to hear me. He chuckled and looked straight at me.

"My dear, is that anyway to thank me?" He asked flashing his perfect teeth that had sharp short fangs.

"Thank you?" I asked

"For saving you and your friends life."

"Kimmy!" I jumped up out of the bed. "Where's Kimmy?"

"Relax, she is fine. She is back in your dorm, probably sleeping last night's events off." He said.

"Why am I here then? Why didn't you bring me back to my dorm?" I asked him, taking a few steps back as he walked toward me. My legs hit the bed and I fell back on to it.

"Because, Dear. You have seen too much." He said with a smile again.

"I-I-I didn't see anything." I studdered, in one movement he had his finger under my chin forcing me to look up at him. He was really starting to scare me, but I wasn't sure what scared me more, last night or now.

"Don't lie to me Juliet." He said holding my face, making me continue to look at him.

"How do you know my name." I asked, shaking. He just laughed and let go off my chin.

"You have seen me feed, don't deny it Juliet. You know what you saw." He said at the other end of the room. I remained quiet. I didn't know what to think at this point. "Do you know what I am, dear?" He asked and I shook my head no. Instantly he was right in front of my face. "Of course you know what I am." He said brushing my hair behind my ears on both sides. He leaned in further and put his lips right next to my ear and whispered "I'm a vampire, Dear." At this point I was shaking like a leaf and I had no idea what to say. He couldn't actually be a vampire, could he? No. Vampires don't exist. But then again I did know what I saw last night, and there is no way to explain the way he moves, rather glides so quickly around. I just sat there looking at him.

"Not exactly the reaction I thought I would get. Do I scare you?" He asked, I nodded and looked away from him.

"Well, I apologize. I had no intentions of scaring you." He saif softly.

"I want to go home now." I stated, I pulled my knees up to my body and inched closer to the head of the bed. In response the man sat down next to me and sighed.

"I am afriad that you can't let you do that."

"What? What do you mean I can't leave?" I asked, loudly suddenly finding the strenght to jump up from my sitting postition and stand on the floor in front of him. Facing him now I really started to take in his features. He looked like he was in his early 30's. He had short black hair and blue eyes. His eyes were surrounded by purplish bags under them, like he hadn't slept in a century. His finger nails were long, sharp, and dark. His skin was pale, a couple shades lighter than mine.

"You're dead, Juliet." He said softly.

"Of course I'm not dead, I'm standing right here in front of you." I pointed out. I was getting really annoyed with this psycho. First he kidnaps me and then tries to tell me that I'm dead? Okay, freak.

"Yes you are, you hit your head and lost a lot of blood. The only way to save you was to turn you."

"You turned me into a vampire?" I asked him, I still don't believe him. Maybe playing along with his game will get me out of here quickly.

"Juliet, tell me why you don't believe me." He said looking up at me.

"What are you talking about? I do believe you." I saw his mouth turn up into a slight grin and he gave a low chuckle.

"Oh Juliet." He said, and disappeared. I felt someone breathing on my neck and I turned around. "I can tell when you are lying. Oh, and I'm not a psycho." I shivered and I was terrified. Can he hear my thoughts?

"Yes" he laughed. "Anyways, dear, as I was saying earlier. I did not turn you into a vampire completely. You are a Halfling, I didn't think it would be appropriate of me to turn you all the way." At this point I sat back down on the bed, my head was spinning.

"Why not?" I asked weakly.

"Well because I don't know anything about you, how do I know you will make a good contribution to my community? For all I know you could be mentally unstable, you could be a killer."

"I could be a killer? What about you? Vampires kill people and feed off of them."

"No, dear. Yes we feed off of them, but never kill them. I don't expect you to get everything right away. You will need to learn our ways, and I will evaluate you. If you pass my tests, I will turn you into a full vampire."

"What if I don't?" I asked, I had to sit back on the bed because I was shaking so much.

"If you don't, I kill you." He said simply.

"I thought you just said you don't kill?"

"I don't kill humans, as I said you are now a Halfling. I don't kill vampires, but I do kill the ones who have gone bad."  

"Bad?" He just chuckled.

"Yes, bad. But there will be time for me to explain later on. For now you need to get some rest. I will go and retrieve the rest of your stuff from your dorm." He said, starting to walk out the door.

"Wait!" I said calling out to him. He turned and looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "Uhm, what is your name?" I asked quietly.

"Theodore Vincent Threlfall." He said, and in a second he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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