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There was a boy with gorgeous green eyes
They were a mystery
But behind those eyes you never knew what feeling would lie
For anyone that could see those eyes is all you would see

The boy and his dark complected skin
On the out side he was beautiful
But you would never know within
But just looking in those green eyes was plentiful

The boy him self was beyond compare
You felt like an outcast
You were broken beyond repair
But the boy saw that and fixed you fast so all your beauty could shine at last

You loved him but didn't know
Every time you saw your heart was a humming bird
You would deny it and say oh no
To you the thought of living him was way past absurd

As the years went by and bye
You chose to deny and deny
You chance had all gone at last
And everything happened way to fast

Next thing you know your engaged
Oh my everything has changed
You fiancee had it all
But you felt as you walked down aisle you would fall

All you would think about were those gorgeous green eyes
And those choice you made that you now despise
You just wish you would have given him a chance
And then you wake up for your first school dance

It was all a dream
But not everything is what it seems
You have lost all your chances but one
So you take that chance and go have some fun

Your life was not as happy as you thought it to be
But your okay with all that you see
Your future may hold more
If you choose to fly like a bird and soar

You may never see those green eyes again
Those eyes that were as bright as a rare gem
But you thank the boy with those beautiful green eyes
Because with him is where your happiness chose to fly

The Boy With The Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now