Ch. 1: A Steady Beginning

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November 4th, 1999...It is a cool fall morning with the wind blowing steadily. Many people who I did not know at the time awaited anxiously for the news. It was the moment that 12:01 P.M. came by, and this became the very first part of my journey. I was born into the hands of my mother and father Christy and Mike, two parents that have been waiting for this day to come.
I do not remember the first few years of my life, considering the fact I couldnt even shit myself without requiring help. All I have to view are some old clips to wittness how much of a troublesome infant I was. Let a few years fly by, and a few things begin to make sense clearly.
First off, throughout a few of the previous years, my parents had come to a divorce with one another. Sometimes these kinda things just happen, but we never want them to. There are a few negatives and positives to that situation, but that is for a later discussion.
The very earliest thing I can remember is one of my very first houses. I recall this being on a Raintree Ct. in the dull memories I still possess. Two memories still remain from this place, one being that I threatened to run away from home. This was my first strong memory, even though it was hateful yet dumb. I remember that it was around Christmas time, and I had become very upset at my mom, so I decided I was going to run away from home. I made it out onto the front curb, but I froze...and I lost my senses completely. I sat there on the ground and just cried and cried. I deminished the hate and anger inside of me, and it opened me back to my usual self.
The only other memory I possess from there is quite a painful one. It was a morning where I had told my mom I was going to be big and take the trash down to the road all by myself. I know most of you are saying, "Well how hard is it to take out the trash?" First off, it was a huge ass hill, and second I was a little weakling who couldnt even tie his own shoe yet. I had managed to get the can all the way to the curb, but I had somehow lost balance of the can, which in turn fell directly onto my knee. I remember my mother rushing to help me, while a neighbor came over to help bandage me up. She had placed me on the trunk of our car, while my "nurse" of a neighbor helped her refurbish the skin on my torn knee. Oh!!! Speaking of that car, it also triggered another small memory, that such being as a very large tree came crashing down and demolished the trunk of our family car after a horrific storm. Its funny how thinking of one small thing can lead to the development of another memory. I guess this opens up a whole new level of understanding of the true person inside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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