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Johnny gasped as he saw is dad tied to a chair. I pulled up my gun and fired a bullet into his head. "Checkmate" I whispered to Johnny as I walked past him.

Another typical day in the world of Jade Wood. I got up ate breakfast, jumped into my car and started driving to collage. So here I am sitting in my first class not paying attention to anything going on around me. Hours past, classes past, and finally the only class I liked. Science. I loved making things and pulling pranks on other people. One day I had made a stink bomb and threw it at the bully in one of my classes that was picking on my best friend Chad because he was seen holding hands with a guy. I smiled at the thought of that. After Science I had one more class then Sat on the brick wall by the back entrance to my collage waiting for Chad. When he came out I smiled at him and jumped off the wall. He smiled. "Hey Jade, how was your day." "Fine, how was yours." I replied. "Good, hey do you have anything to do right now?" He asked. "Nope, why." I replied wondering what he was thinking. "Me and my boyfriend are gonna get ice cream in about an hour you should come." He answered my thoughts. "Sure, hey how are you and Jason?" I said cheerfully. "Were good, I think this time I picked the right guy." "If only girls could do that" I said slily. He laughed and so did I as we started heading toward the ice cream. A few hours later Chad, Jason, and I were standing outside of the ice cream shop saying our good byes. I kissed Chad on the cheek and walked to my car. I got in and drove home hoping I could find a man like Jason, "I wish he was straight" I thought. When I pulled up to my house I noticed that no lights were on in the house. I walked slowly toward the door and opened it. As I walked in I grabbed a handful of firecrackers filled with tiny pieces of tiny dynamite in them from a vase near the door. I walked into my mom's room and found he dead. I screamed and dropped the firecrackers buring my ankles. A note was next to her reading Your Move. I ran down stairs and grabbed the phone calling 911. A few hours later I was standing outside talking to the police."I just walked in and she was their." I said sadly. "What about the burn" He said pointing at the red mark on my ankle. "I was scared so I grabbed some firecrackers I made and dropped them when I saw here." I answered. "Alright" he said oddly, "Do you have any where to stay?" He asked. "Yes my friend Chad Sudan" I gave him the address and started driving over to his house after calling him and asking if I could stay over at his house. A day passed and nothing about the man who killed my mom came up leaving me more and more sad. I was sitting at the bar table eating breakfast that Jason made me when Chad came in and asked me a question. "Why don't you try to find your mother's killer." I looked at him with a sly smile and left the apartment with my laptop in hand.

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