Chap. 1

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Sent: Monday, July 19, 2011 at 4:27 PM

Subject: I am SOO lonly!

Attach: BestiesForever 125.jpg

 Hay MiMi!! I got home a while ago and I am SO depressed! ):

I miss you AND camp!  Dont you? I wish it was like.. never ending! Everything else is SOO boring! Or as Mr.. Camp Director would say "This is not- I say NOT - acceptable!" :-D

 And your happy to be back with you know who!! (wink wink) Write me back and tell me how your reunion went!

~YBBFF! (Your best BEST friend forever!)..


BTW~ I played our talent show video for my sister on the way back home and GUESS WHAT she said?? "That girl who played the guys in your talent show is AWESOME!!!" Your ama-ZING! :-D        Oh Do your remember this!!??


 Malia laughed as she scrolled down her computer to see a picture of another girl and her. They were arm locked both wearing tangled wigs and goofy clown smiles. She almost fell out of her seat and was about to hit REPLY when Brooke, her bestest friend was in her doorway.

"Malia!" Brooke yelled running Malias way with a big grin on her sun burnt face. "I missed you like, SO MUCH! Did you like camp? You got a nice tan!"

 Malia stood up and and happily hugged Brooke.

"You get sun burnt!" Malia said, looking at Brooke for a second. "I thought is wasnt sunny in Greenland?"

"Oh.. its not! Its kinda rainy. Like really rainy! Almost like moss growing on my sneakers!" She shook her head. "I got this from my moms taning bed. I snuck in late last night. Is it bad?"

 Malia noded yes. "But you missed a spot." Malia pointed to Brooke's neck and laughed as her friend looked down and Malia flicked her nose.

 "I'll have to fix that at home." Brooke laughed. She grabbed Malia's hand and shoved her to the bed. "But now i want to know ALL about camp! Oh I almost forgot!" Brooke pulled out a puzzle piece with weird writing on it. i was really pretty!

"Its our friendship neclace. I got it from the place that my great great grandpa grew up. Its.. lucky. Do you like it? Brooke said.

"Its amazing!" Malia said, laughing. Malia put it on and noticed that Brooke had the other piece.

"The writing means love. its really a love neclace but my mom said it would be great for friendship. The color changes to blue when your heart is open, or your not with 'the guy'. And when it's red that means someone has your heart. And we dont want people to think your in a realtionship, do we?" Brooke giggled.

 Malia lauged.  If only you knew Brooke! And that was almost when she spilled her summer secret.  but she couldnt tell NO ONE!

 Oh and guess what Brooke? There ARE some people that think i am in a realationship. The WHOLE camp! How weird right? What would have made them think that crazy idea?? Funny jow that worked out. Maybe because I kinda lied and said I had a boyfriend!

 Of course it was a total accident! She didnt want it to be a lie. I kinda.. well... just slipped out.

"Alrighy!" Brooke said, sitting on Malia's deck chair. "What was camp like? Did you meet any awesome friends like me? Were the counslers mean?"

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