Chapter 1- Life Is Fragile

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Life is fragile. Unforgettable moments can jump at you like a frog catching a fly. Unpredictable. Some moments can be bad, some can also be a learning experience. Some may lead to a great loss. Not this one.
"Caleb! Lunch is ready!" Mom calls me from the kitchen. "You better hustle! We have to leave for gym in a few!"
"Coming!" I zoom down the stairs. While my mom hands me my drink. "Ooh purple Gatorade? You know me too well." I joke around.
"You better eat up so we won't be late. Annie has to get to get to gym earlier than usual so she can meet with coach Mary. She needs to make up those days that she's been off!"
"Mommy! Mommy! Look!" Hayley pops up out of nowhere to show mom he wiggly tooth.
"Oh that's great!" Mom says cringing at the tooth twisting. "Have daddy pull it out for you."
"What ? No that would hurt!" Hayley then goes to the living room to practice her handstands.
"Remember Hayley! Practice makes perfect!" Mom says.
I finish my macaroni and I take it to the sink.
Mom points the camera to me.
"Oh look my boy still remembers how to put his dishes away." She's referencing to the vlog yesterday.
A few minutes later we get in the car to drop off Annie.
"Okay crew, today I made an appointment to get our yearly heart check up!" Mom makes us get our hearts checked every year so that we know if we have some rare disease that runs on her side of the family. Luckily we've been okay so far.

A few hours later it's time to pick up Annie and Katie from the gym.
"Caleb are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Hayley asks.
"Yeah I'm tired so I'll be in my room when you come back."
"Okay baby boy," it's so annoying when mom calls me that,"be careful, you will only be alone for about an hour." Mom and Hayley leave and I go to my room to rest when I start to feel a tiny bit light headed so I get to my bed to rest.
(Mom) Katie's POV
"Hayley, you get that tooth out yet?" I turn to my daughter.
"No, can I have an apple?" I have her an apple when Annie texts me that her and Katie are done with practice and that they will be here in 5 minutes. I start to worry about Caleb since we don't usually leave him home alone so I call him. No answer. It's okay he's probably just sleeping like he said earlier.
"Ow!" Hayley screams. "Mommy! My tooth!" She holds it up to me and immediately drops it down the side of the seat.
"Oh Hayley, not again! You better look for it!" That's when Annie and Katie open the door. I explain the situation and they start looking for the tooth.

"Found it!" Katie holds up the tooth and her and Annie both say ew at the same time and they start laughing.
"Silly girls." I flip out the camera and vlog what happened.
"Okay crew, time to go get Caleb then go get some dinner!" I explain the plan for the rest of the day.
"Okay!" They all say.
Before I leave I decide to text Caleb to start to get ready to get dinner.
Once we get home we all walk inside so the girls can change.
"I'll get Caleb, you guys change." I point at the girls then start walking to the basement where Caleb's room is. I open his door, take one look at him suffering and my heart drops.

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