Part 4

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Harry POV

I woke up when my phone rang. Management, great. 'Can't I even have a good sleep?' I asked annoyed through the phone. 'Harry, it's 10 am where are you? You should have been at the studio by 9.30!' Paul, our manager, said. 'Shit!' I shouted and jumped out of bed. 'We will pick you up in 15 minutes, make sure you'll be ready by then.' I pushed the red button and ran to the shower.

15 minutes later I was in sitting in the car. I expected a whole talk, but no. I would probably get one at the studio. Suddenly I felt the car brake, and my driver rang the claxon. What the hell is going on?! With my head I bumbed into the chair in front of me. I got out of the car and realized I just had an accident. When I looked I saw that our car only had a little scratch, but the other car involved was a total mess. As soon as I could, I ran to the car and tried to get the person in it out. It was a girl of about 19 years old. She was knocked out, but I couldn't see any blood. Many people gathered around us and tried to help me. 'Someone call an ambulance!' I screamed because I couldn't see any people that. Various people took out their phones. I heard someone said that he saw the girl move. When I looked at her, her eyes opened slowly. I stared into her eyes and she did the same. This moment was almost perfect and I felt this girl was special. Then the ambulance finally came and they pushed me aside. I heard myselve screaming that I want to go with her, but my driver keeps me away from her. 'We've got to go. We will contact her later.' He tells me. I want to protest, but he just pushes me into the car and drives away.

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