Chapter 1 Rescue

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Where am I?

This doesn't feel familiar at all...

I think...
By the feeling of it, I'm captured...

Wait- what?

This isn't right!
What the heck?

My hands...
They're tied above me...

And my ankles are tied together as well...

My mouth is taped shut and I'm blindfolded...

I can't remember anything...

What's going on?

"Ah, I see you're awake now..." A rough voice says from behind me.
"How are you feeling, my dear?"

I grit my teeth and a rush of adrenaline runs through me.

"Oi, boss! The broad's awake now!"

"Shut up! I'm steering!"
An even rougher voice yells.

So we're in a moving wagon of some sort?

"R-right, my apologies sir."
I hear shuffling until the first voice calls someone.
"Shrimp! Get over here!"

"Y-yes sir?"
A young boy's voice answers sheepishly.

"I want you to rip of the tape from that girl's mouth. Do it hard, make her feel pain." The rough voice laughs a bit.

From what I heard, the boy was flustered.
"S-sir, I'm not- I-I mean I can't- P-please understand that I am-"

"Silence fool, do as I say!"
He snapped at the boy.

"Yes sir!" The boy shrunk back.

I felt footsteps coming towards me.
When the boy's hand touched my face, I felt him shaking.
"I'm so sorry..." He breathed out silently.

Then, with a single tear, he ripped the tape off my mouth.

I wanted to yell as the sting of it still lingered on my lips, but I refrained from doing so.

"Aye, good job, boy." The first voice laughed out loud.

"Nh..." I could tell. The boy felt bad.

I took a few breaths.
This was scaring me.

I have no idea where I am.

I'm kidnapped.

I'm in a wagon.

I'm with three people from what I know.
And they're not good people either.
Well, I think.

"So... What's your name, girl? Or do you forget?" The rough voice approaches me and touches my cheek with the back of his cold hand.

I don't answer.

I won't give in to these freaks.

I felt a hard blow across the face.
He had slapped me.

"Answer me!"
He shouted, kneeing me in the stomach as well.
A hard blow.
It hurt.

I scoffed and coughed up a little blood.
"..I won't tell you anything..."

"Heh. Is little miss princess afraid?"
He smirked.
Though I couldn't see it, I knew he was.

"Don't touch me..." I warned.

He replied sternly.
"No woman will tell me what to-"

Before he finished, I bit his finger as hard as I could as it crossed over my lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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