Startng the scare/prank wars and confessions

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Friday (after school)- Bonnie's POV

~one month later~

All I could think of when I was walking home was 'wow.' For the millionth time walking home I kept thinking, 'Y/N is really beautiful with the the very nicely brushed H/C hair and her E/C eyes, as nice as a baby deer.'
When I got to my house, I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge so I looked under the welcome mat but it wasn't there?
"Where is the key?" I questioned myself. I tried opening the door again but it would only send me back to where I started.
I've been waiting for about an hour and I haven't seen my parents but I did see a car with a girl with the same H/C and e/c eyes as y/n. It pasted by our neighborhood but in about 2 minutes it came back around (did u like the Bonnie POV? Do u want me to do it more often?)

Friday- Y/N POV

After my mom picked me up from school, we went to Starbucks and ordered my favorite drink, F/F (favorite frap.) It was cool because I got to see Foxy at Starbucks by himself. We talked about random stuff for about 40 minutes then my mom said that I had to go. As we where driving home I saw someone sitting on a mat in front of a house. All I could see was he had purple hair. That told me who he was. It was Bonnie.
"Hey Mom?" I asked from
the passengers seat.
"Yes y/n?" She questioned.
"Um can you turn back around please?"
"I saw my friend at his door. It looked like he didn't have a key or something."
"Ok." My mom said making a u-turn at the light.
"OHH!! Turn here." I told my mom. She then did and we saw Bonnie, still sitting there. My mom stopped the car and I quickly got out if the car while Bonnie got up and started waking towards me.
"Hy Bonnie!" I said as we both came closer to each other (not in a dirty way...).
"Hey y/n! What are you doing?" Bonnie asked.
"Oh. I was at Starbucks then was coming home but I saw you and told my mom to turn around to see you. Oh! That reminds me. Bonnie this is my mom and mom this is Bonnie, the one I told you about." I said as they gave each other warm looks as they shook hands then backed away. "Hey mom?"
"Yes honey?" Mom questioned.
"Can Bonnie maybe come home with us; to hang out?" I asked
"Well I don't see why not. Bonnie, do you want to come?"
"YA!!" Bonnie said excitedly.
"Do you think your mom is ok with it?" My mom asked Bonnie.
"She usually let's me go anywhere in a 15-25 mile range so I'll be fine." He responded.
"YAY!!" I yelled in excitement. I then lead Bonnie to our c/t (car type) car. He took a seat as my mom put the keys in and started the car.

~time skip to house~

So, my mom parked the car inside the garage and took the keys out of the car as I was unbuckling my seatbelt but I was having trouble. Bonnie then rocked my hand while unbuckling it for me. Such warm soft hands. I wish the moment lasted forever but it only lasted for a few seconds which was sad.
"thanks." I said for unbuckling my seatbelt.
"No problem." He responded. I blushed and turned away trying to make sure he didn't see my slight blush. We headed out of the car and wen I was about to reach for the handle that leads into the house, Bonnie opened it for me. I walked through quickly, trying to hide another blush, but I could tell this one was visible because I saw my mom give me a 'I know you like him,' look. But, I can't tell a lie, I do.
"So, do you want to head to my room?" I asked.
"Umm. Sure." Bonnie said in response. I started waking waking up the stairs, Bonnie trailing behind. I got to the top of the squeaky stairs and made a u-turn which lead me into my room. It had one bed in the middle with a small 18x7 inch desk. On the left side of the room there was a large desk with a computer, monitor, pencil holder, and a pot with a flower in it. In the right side if the room was a big closet and next to it, 6 green and blue drawers filled with pjs, socks, etc. The walls where f/c with a light tanish-brown carpet. It had some posters on the walls with my obsessions [fnaf, jack and jack, stuff like that].
"Cool room." Bonnie commented.
"Thanks." I said as Bonnie jumped into my bed. I then followed, jumping a couple inches away from him. There was this really awkward silence. I was about to break it but I stopped myself. Bonnie looked like he was in deep thought; sooooo I came up with an idea.
I quietly snuck off of the side of my bed. Then, I crawled on my hands and knees in front if his feet ganging off of my bed.
"BBBBOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I yelled, jumping off of my hands and knees.
"AAAAAGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" He fell backwards off of the bed as he made his 'manly scream.' I fell to the floor laughing my head off. Tears streaming down my face from laughing too much. "Your so mean, you know that." He added after getting up from falling.
"N-no-o i-I'm n-ot." I managed to said sarcastically through my laughing.
After I calmed down from laughing so much, I went to the bathroom to wipe away the tear streaks from my cheeks [hey! That rhymes]. I came back out to see Bonnie hiding under the bed. I kinda pretended that I didn't see him so he didn't give his hopes up.
"Where could Bonnie be?" I asked myself sarcastically. I couldn't help bit to stare at Bonnie while I said that so it gave it away that I knew where he was. "Hi Bonnie."
"Dangit! You saw me." He said kinda annoyed while getting hit from under the bed. "So... What do you want to do?"
"I dunno." What do you want to do?" I responded.
"I dunno what do you want to do?" This went I. For about 5 minutes until we came to an agreement.
"Do you wanna watch TV?" I asked.
"Ok." We watched f/s (favorite show) for about 2 hours, which is apparently his favorite show too, until he got a text from his mom.
"Oh. Y/N.l I gave him a look of 'what (not in a mean way though).' "My mom sent me a text saying I had to go." He said as he was texting his mom back.
"Ok. Well, it was fun having you." I said with a sad tone at first but then a fun one at the end.
"Ya ya. Just stop talking about it" he said in a fun and annoyed way back. "Well, see you on Monday. Bye." He then left me on my bed. I was thinking about what happened today. It was fun and awkward at the same time and I don't know why.
After about 15 minutes of sitting on my bed thinking, my mom called down. "Y/n!! Come eat!! Dinner is ready!!" I got out of my bed and walked down the stairs to go eat.
After about a good 7 minute awkward silence, my mom broke it.
"So, you like him." My mom asked.
"Ya he's a food friend. He's the-" I was hoping she didn't asked me like if I like, like him. That would be uncomfortable.
"I meant, would you like him as a boyfriend?" She questioned while I was thinking 'I knew I would jinks myself.'
"I think so. I'm not sure." That time I was telling the truth. I didn't know.
"He seems nice, sweet, polite, an he even cute!" She added. I don't know though he's a good friend but I don't know if it would work out. I don't what him to break my heart. Well, if it happened earlier, at least I would handle it when I'm older.
"I guess you could say I like him like that." I said shyly.
"There's nothing to be shy about. It's your feelings. I wouldn't get why such a cute and kind young man would JUST be your friend."
"I guess your right." We went in talking about other random stuff, not about Bonnie though.
After about 45 minutes of talking and laughing after finishing dinner, we cleaned up and washed out dishes off and headed upstairs.

Bonnie POV

"So you seem to like that girl you meet when you first started school here. Her name was chica right?" Bonnie's mom asked as we "Where eating dinner.
Well chica is her best friend and her name is y/n, but yes, I have a crush on her. She scared me when I was in deep thought about what I could say if I was to ask her to be my girlfriend. When she did, I fell backward off the bed in purpose because I was trying to hide the blush on my face." I responded.
"Oh. She seems nice though." My mom said. I can't argue. She probably the sweetest and prettiest girl in the world. I'm just glad I'm at least friends with her.
After eating dinner, i wiped the table off while my mom did the dishes. When I was done, I walked into my room and fell face first, falling asleep in about 1 minute.

So guys, what do you think so far? I'm rally enjoying writing this book! :). Also I'm going to be putting how many words there r in each chapter. Also, aorry if there r some mistakes I t this book. I'm typing this on my phone and it's really hard to not put 'r' unsaid if 'are' and stuff. And also... HAPPY THANKSGIVING or HAPPY TUKEY DAY!!!!!!!


Words= 1723

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