Evan - 2

15 4 1

Scotland, I've heard tales of this place. It's supposed to be all relaxing and shit but all I'm having now is noise.

"Jesus Christ is it always this noisy in Scotland?" I yelled over all the noise in the train station, pushing people out of the way so I can keep up with Sarah.

I could feel Sarah roll her eyes and for some inexplicable reason, I didn't want to answer her back.

"We're still in the train station" Sarah said, keeping her voice hushed. "Both of us are too promulgated, Adrian"

Adrian? Oh yeah , Sarah wanted to use fake names incase we get caught "Well when the fuck are we gonna get on the damn train, Abigail. Can't we just use a damn Oyster Card" I hollered at her, earning several despicable stares from passerbys

"Adrian I told you we can't just board the train like that because we'll get caught" Sarah looked around the train station and I did too. Then I saw it, dozens of policemen and women littered the hall like rubbish on the street.

"Damn" I murmured under my breath, we really need to be careful now.

"That's not it Adrian" Sarah said again, moving forward in the line "Oyster Cards only work in England, not in Scotland so that thing is pretty much useless right now.

I growled and pocketed my ticket to Scotland, which had fallen out of my hand dozens of times. I felt angry, nauseous and scared at the same time. Sarah made me angry most of all, it's like she tangled up all my nerves and started using them as a hammock inside my brain. Nauseous because I have been standing in a line that doesn't budge and is in the sun for a good three hours and lastly, scared because of all the secruity forces.

How could Sarah keep a smile like that all the time, I mean sometimes it's a devious grin or a sly smirk but who cares. It's like the corners of her mouth are permanetly tugged up.

After one more hour of standing in the sun, we finally reached the front of the line, where Sarah gave the man our tickets and glanced up at me, her brow was knitted in frustration and nervousness when the ticket man studied our tickets. Every now and then he would glance up at both of us and back at the tickets but Sarah would only flash a smile everytime he did.

"Abigail Ecstai and Adrian Cokrel" he read out as both of us nodded, Abigail quickly grabbed the tickets when the train started to arrive, it's loud noises blocking out everything else and deafening me.

"Quick Adrian" Sarah called as she got on the train, sitting down on one of the seats as I ran towards her, dropping my bag on the seat next to her.

"You run fast for a girl" I grinned and sat down, Sarah nodded acknowledgingly at me and closed her eyes.

"I'm used to running Adrian, many females can run too you know. Not all women are housewives"

I looked at Sarah wide eyed. I opened my mouth but no words came out, this was the first time I've seen Sarah this serious. "Yeah, that's true"

"What's wrong Adrian" Sarah turned to me and stared, her emerald green eyes burning into me

"Are you always this serious when it comes to stereotypical topics? Like if I said that Americans ate burgers for breakfast, lunch and din-"

"Don't be ridiculous Adrian. Some Americans are vegetarians-" Sarah's head then snapped up and looked at me "And maybe I am quite serious when it comes to such topics"

"Heh" I grinned and rested my head on the cold metal of the train, moving every now and then because of the moving train.

To be honest I didn't know what happened next, I heard Sarah talking happily to someone called 'Jenna' and fell asleep.

"Adrian, hey, Adrian!" Sarah shook me, my head hurt and my head was rested on her shoulder. I stirred and wondered if the person next to me got the wrong person. Then, everything came back, the watch, the train ride, Sarah.

"Mmf Sa- Abigail" I said groggily, opening my eyes slowly. I then saw another brunette girl sitting next to Sarah stop her texting and waved at me then continuing to text someone on her phone.

"Jesus Adrian, you were drooling all over my cardigan" Sarah pulled a 'yuck' face and turned to the brunette "Anyway, this is Jenna, I made friends with her during the ride"

Jenna looked at me and smiled "You must be Adrian, Abigail has told me much about you"

"Yeah, and guess what?" Sarah smiled at me

"What" I groaned

"She's staying at the same motel as us"

I was now wide awake "What?!"

"Your mom died of cancer" Sarah rolled her eyes and continued to talk to Jenna

It took me a minute to understand everything that was happening, okay first Jenna. Second, Jenna is staying in the same motel as us. Third, my mom died of cancer?

"Wait Abigail" I grasped Sarah's shoulder

Abigail turned around and nudged her head upwards "What"

"Did my mom really die from cancer?"

"You realle are a bone head you know" she smirked and continued talking to Jenna

So I guess it's a no

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