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Okay so origionally this was only mean to be one part which is why there are no paragraphs but because what was suppost to be the first paragraph was really long I'm just going to make it a part. And I can't be bothered writing anymore today, maybe tomorrow. Feels weird talking to myself on the internet but oh well. Ps its not creepy yet but hopfully as the story progresses people think its a decent horror story if anyone acctually does read this. Adios open air!!!!! Xxx

Chapter one:

Her rapid breathing increased and the palms of her hands began to pool with sweat as he came closer. He stopped a foot away, a sinister smirk twisting on his thin lips as be brought his hand up to her neck and -

"Hunny, we're leaving now. Come say goodbye," my mums melodic voice crept through the barren contours of my room, shattering the scene my book had created.

"Coming." My reply came out muffled due to my flailing limbs as I scrambled to find release from the confinement of my duvet.

I raced down the creaky wooden stairs, my loose brown hair streaming behind me like a war flag. Leaping from the bottom step I landed securely in the strong arms of my father.

"Bye daddy," I kissed his cheek and hopped down, heading over to my mum. Giving her a hug I stepped back, "see you later mum."

"Are you sure your going to be okay hunny because -"

"Mom," I cut her off, giving her a hard stare. "I am 17 years old. I can look after myself, I've been home alone before and odds are I will be again. So just, go already."

"Bye sweetheart." My dad kissed my head and lead my still fussing mother out of the door.

Sighing I walk into the pale yellow living room and plop down on the old brown leather sofa. "Now the real question is, what to watch?" I mumble to myself as I get comfortable.

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