entering the room

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after the shock of the bang i just had to go in.

"no emits not safe" said charlie. i ignored her any way and just went in. i pushed the door open very forcefully.

"see chucks(charlie) its fine"i said. the look of horror on my face must have said other wise because she just looked atme and shook her head. we unpacked then sat onthe beds to play cards. i put the pile down. then suddenly they just flew all over.

" who did that?" i asked

"not me" they allsaid at the same time. we alljumped upand leged it out of our room. the last thing i saw was the cards flying all over. we ran to get miss but by the time we got back it was like nothing had happend and the cards were still stacked in a pile in the middle of the floor.

" stop being silly girls and go to bed," said miss. that night none o us could sleep so we all went to the bottem beds and started to talk. then we all heard a littel childs laugh

"can u lot hear that?" i asked

"yes" they all said. we sat there in pure silence when the laugh stopped we all continued in our conversation. when we eventually got to sleep i was woken by a dripping noise. i looked around and saw a trail of blood dripping down the wall.

"charlie charlie" i started to panic some thing was coming towards me. i started to shake.

"em em calm down" said charlie

"look at the wall" i said " thats not normal" we both started at it then the thing that was comin towards me disapererd. we woke up the others. we all sat and stared at the wall then out of no were a red bloody hand print apeard on the wall. we daredent go any were. the next morning alll the blood had gone. what had happend? this place was creeping me out we would see some thing but  if we looked away it was gone. when we were all up and dressed we went for breakfast. but as we walked down the corridor we all knew we were not alone. something or some one was following us as we walked down these long and endless corridoors. we all started to shake. we all went cold. this was not good. we all knew that we had to get out of that room. we got to the breakfast room and assoon as we entered the room the cold horrid feeling went away. 

" girls you look awful you want to stayin bed today?" miss asked 

"no no no" we all say at the same time. 

"well you are staying in today" said miss 

how were we going to survive this day??????????

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