You alright?

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I read Jack's text. A bit worried, so I wanted to see what's up.

M- you alright?

J- as close to alright as I can.

M- you need to talk?

He didn't answer for a few minutes.

J- I'll be alright. Just some normal ducheiness, nothing really. :)

M- Alright. Just make sure I don't gotta beat someone up. Lol.

J- Got it. Well, I have to go to bed. Night. (。-ω-)zzz

M- Night.

I put my phone on my bedside table. Turning over, and wondering about what was up with Jack. I look out my window, listening to the rain that had just started, and slowly drifting to sleep.

(The next day)

I make my way to the back entrance if the school, and head to my first class again. Kayla is already there, and I don't see Jack anywhere. I take a seat, and take the next few minutes, procrastinating on homework.

"Looks like someone forgot to do the assignment." Kayla said. Laughing at me.

"Oh shut up. I was busy." I responded.

"Doing what? Playing videogames?"

"Maybe." I was.

I saw Jack walk into class. Something felt.. Off, about him. He was looking a bit down, until he noticed us, and then he smiled, taking a seat. "Sup Irish boy."

"Hey Kayla. Hey Mark." He was faking that smile. I know it. "Hey Jack. Did you do the homework?"

"Why? So you could copy me?" He laughed a bit, covering the fake smile.

"No. I was just asking." I was joking around.

Sooner than expected, the bell rang. Jack was focused on working, and I had an idea. I pulled out my phone.

(K- Kayla
M- Mark)

M- Huge solid! Please?

K- what do u want?

M- let me walk alone with Jack? Please? Just for today, I swear! I'll explain later.

K- fine. But u owe me a solid.

M- thank u! Love you. >x)

She looked over at me, and mouthed "whatever" to me.

I just laughed quietly, and looked at Jack. Studying what I needed to find out anything. He looked fine, but his face said otherwise. He wasn't blushing, or smiling. He had his face in his book, and didn't turn once, to say sup, or anything.

A good half an hour passed by, and the bell rang. We all did our normal class routines, and it was the end of the day. Sooner than it felt it should have. Kayla texted me saying bye, and to tell jack she got a ride home. I went to the back of the science building, and saw Jack walking pretty hurriedly home. I was trying to catch up, but he was walking too quickly. Already almost at the park. I ran, yelling his name, "Jack!" and he started to walk faster, but I caught up, and we where in the park. Nobody around.

I grabbed his shirt sleeve and turned him to face me.

"What do you want Mark?"

He seemed sad, but irritated.

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