Chapter 1 ~ The Dare

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Ally laughed,

"Stop, it's cold!"

Layla only continued to splash her with the pool water,

"No it's not! You're just not used to it yet!"

"I'm used to it plenty, thank you very much! Now can we please get out now?" She whined, holding out the 'please'.

"Hm... Fine. You hungry?"

"Yay! And yeah!" Ally cheered, jumping in the water to the pool stairs.

Layla rolled her eyes, and pulled herself out of the water using the edge. Her hand slipped when she was halfway out, and fell back in, water splashing everywhere. She went back up to the surface of the pool with her long, brown hair covering her face completely, making her blind, and she heard Ally laughing hysterically.

"That was hilarious! You should've seen it!"

Maybe she was laughing too hard... When Layla got her hair out of the way, Ally was already rolling around on the ground.

Layla knew Ally was crazy ticklish... Now was her chance!

Layla jumped out of the water with all her force and walked to Ally ominously.

"What are you-?" Ally tried to say, but she couldn't finish. Instead, she choked on the last word and started to thrash away from Layla, who was tickling her armpits and tasering her side. Ally was laughing uncontrollably, tears starting to well up in her eyes because of her laughter.

"Stah, p! Sta-hah-p! Stahp-HAAHA" Ally was struggling with her words, pleading Layla to stop. Which oddly sounded like a dying donkey...

After a few more seconds of torture, Layla stopped. Ally lay there, breathless and panting, but chuckling, then she started to get up.

"I'm soooo gonna get you back, Lay!"

"Hah. Okay Ally..." Layla said in amusement with a smirk.

"Alright, well... I'm hungry." She replied.

As if her stomach could understand her, it growled right after she said that. We both burst out laughing.

"Alright, alright! Let's go inside." Layla finally managed to say.

"But... We're wet." Signaling to her swim suit, dripping water.

"Oh who gives a crap, Ally? You're so innocent!" Layla said, cooing the last part and pinching Ally's cheeks like an obsessed granny.

Ally shooed away Layla's hands. "I just want food!", she said pouting.

"Okay, let's go in then."

Layla opened the door to the house, going to the kitchen. Ally followed Layla in silence, eyeing the cabinets and furniture like it was some sort of royal item. Opening the pantry door, Layla reached for a box of Mozzarella, Spicy, and Big Original Cheez-Itz. At the sight of it, Ally squealed.

"Wait, there's more", Layla said, placing the boxes of Cheez-Itz on the counter. Again, she reached for something in the pantry, and came out with 2 big packets of Sour Skittles, waving them in the air.

This time, Ally screamed and started jumping, jubilant.

"Hey now! Calm down, this will be our dessert after the Cheez-Itz!" Layla practically yelled to make sure Ally hears.

"But Lay..." Ally started, whining and got into her 'Puppy-eye Mode'.

"Oh, Ally-" Layla countered, "Puppy-eye Mode doesn't work on me".

Ally sniffed in defeat. "Fine." she huffed.

Layla smiled, amused.

~ ~ ~

Ally and Layla watched Cupcake Wars on Netflix in silence.

"Hey Lay?"

"Yeah, Ally?"

"To get you back... I have a dare for you."

"Name it."

"I dare you to... Go out in the middle of the night tomorrow, meet me in the park. Bring a hula hoop, because I dare you to hula hoop for 30 seconds on the middle of the road."

Layla smirked. Easy.

"Challenge accepted."

The host of Cupcake Wars announced the winner, and Ally cheered. "Yes! I knew it! I beat you again! You owe me your sour Skittle!" She finished, holding out her hand.

Layla sighed. "Alright, here." She took out a green apple Skittle and plopped it into Ally's hand, and she hungrily chewed on the sour then sweet treat.

"I love this bet..." She said afterwards.

"I'd be lying if I said 'me too'." Layla replied, giving Ally a small smile. Ally returned a bigger one.

"Next episode?" Layla asked.

"Next episode." Ally said confidently.

~ ~ ~

HELLOOOOO MY LOVELIES. HOW IS THE STORY SO FAR? BAD? WRETCHED? TERRIBLE? UN-READABLE? ALL OF THE ABOVE? Maybe I should continue it to torture you guys, mwuahaha. (I'm kidding, but I will continue). Bear with me, this is my first story after all, but you know that. (If you said you didn't, GO READ THE AUTHORS NOTE, DAMN IT. I'm sorry :c but anywayyyyyyyy what do you think will happen? Will she do the dare? WILL SHE CHICKEN OUT?! And most importantly... WHO WON THE CUPCAKE WAR?!? I GOTZ TO KNOW. Oh, it's the beginning of summer by the way, for them. ANYWAYYYY...

Remember the rules of C.F.V ;)

Cya ;D

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