Yessss!,I got. Up screaming. And. Excited. About. Going to. School. Just. To see. Him again! I ran got. Dressed and jumped on my. Motorcycle and rushed. To school
I. Ran towards him to. Hug. Him but it. Was. Too late. He. Was kissing a. Girl and so. I. Ran to. Washroom. And. Cried. All day until. I. Got up. And decided. To go. To him when I came to him I slapped. Him and walked away. And after that. Day. We never spoke. To one another. Again! After that day. I wished I never loved him that. Much.!!!!!
Wish I Never Loved U
RomancePlot: In chapter one its. About. A girl. Who met. A guy at. A party and fell. In. Love. With a guy. And. They. Danced. And. She. Had. To. Leave but. He. Never. Wanted. Her. To go but. She. Ran away. And kept. Thinking. About. Him. On. Her. Way home...