Red tear

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Seriously I was like 12 what was I supposed to do he had the most amazing hair and beautiful brown eyes I couldn't say no to that.

Oh sorry, Hi I'm steph I'm now 14 years old but this is my story of my amazing sweet and beautiful love story NOT basically he broke my heart

I was only trying to make friends when it happened the day he asked me out well sorry for being hopeful. We meet through other friends the girls names were shayla and Emily they were basically my first two friends in high school.

Jake (the guy I dated) was 12 when we dated he is still only 15 because his birthday isn't till the start of the year but it's ok he is a pretty nice guy I guess besides the fact he Broke me like a twig.

Happy for me haha don't be there's nothing to be happy about. Im Going to assure you that we were never going to last anyways. The weirdest part about myself and jake was that we were still best friends after we broke up after he cheated on me.
Well at least he just wanted to be friends but I still wanted him to be mine even after he dated about a million girls and cheated on me with another girl from St Mary's.

Let's just say there was an argument after that.
But the thing with jake and I is that we can never be enemies and we never stay mad at each other we are always together no matter what.

So after we broke up I spent over a year and a half chasing him. Stupid idea right I wish I would have realised but now I know and it kinda took me long enough. Myself and jake are best friends now that's best friends with a slight twist he would keep flirting with me I've got a theory that the only reason he would flirt with me would be so I would still chase him for a little longer.

That little longer soon turned into weeks that soon turned into a mouth and then it turned into a year which is now a year and a half. I can never seem to forget the half Maybe it's because it had something to do with the fact that that month was one of the most depressing months of my life.

Jake is now in yr 10 and I'm in yr 8 today we are still best friends with a secret the secret that we were once a couple and I think it's safe to say we will never be a couple again. He is still my partner in crime though.

When I needed help I would go to jake he was always there for me and he was usually always happy. These days jake isn't happy like normally he is upset and depressed I didn't know how to help him because he wouldn't tell me the problem.

This meant it was so hard to communicate to Jake how did I get in his position this story was about me. How did he steal the spotlight.
It's ok I didn't mind sharing the spotlight with jake I cared about him and I would look after him no matter what.

To be continued .......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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