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I hope you enjoy it, my lovely readers! I hope it appeases you while I think up a few more chapters for my other stories. This idea was finished and laying around. So, here's hoping!

Percy Jackson sits on a cliff overlooking the sea, his legs dangling off the edge. He doesn't pay attention to a single thing around him as his eyes are closed and he is off in his own world.

"Why is a demigod out here all alone? Are you not a little far away from your precious camps?" A voice comes from behind Percy.

Percy's eyes snap open and he turns to see Lycaon and many more werewolves. He is trapped and he knows he is going to die. The sea is his only escape, but there are too many dangerous rocks beneath him. He doesn't have enough room to jump clear of them. So, he turns his eyes back on the setting horizon, analyzing the beautiful colors one last time.

"I wanted peace for once in my life." Percy answers serenely, the wind blowing through his hair and brushing across his face as he leans back on his hands.

"You do not fear us?" Lycaon inquires, interested.

"For eight years now, I have faced many foes and bad situations. Most of them life threatening or near death experiences. I have no qualms with leaving the world of the living with Thanatos." Percy says.

"So you do not fear death. But are you afraid of us?" Lycaon rephrases.

"I am not." Percy replies easily, still watching the setting sun.

"And why is that?" Lycaon comes closer.

"Why fear something that is inevitable? I am going to die by your hands today. I do not fear you nor your pack. I do not fear what any of you would do to me. Do what you want, I am ready." Percy tells him.

Lycaon comes to stand right behind Percy and then crouches, looking out at the sun like Percy is. "You don't want to live?"

"I could live or die. It matters not." Percy shrugs.

"You say you are ready for anything?" Lycaon implores curiously.

"I am." Percy nods.

Lycaon smirks. "So tell me," He grabs Percy's face and bares his neck. "Are you ready for this?" He sinks his fangs into Percy's neck and Percy's eyes widen. Percy lands on his side and curls up as his body starts to shake.

"Percy!" A familiar voice comes to Percy's head, but he cannot place it with his body and mind racing so fast to adjust to what is happening to him. "Oh Olympus." That voice gasps.

"It is too late, Thalia. He's been bitten." A younger voice says.

Lycaon wipes the blood off of his mouth and grins evilly at Artemis. "Looks like I got to him first, Huntress."

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