Chapter 2

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It was Wednesday which as I'm sure you guys guessed means it is the day that I go take pictures for the Pittsburgh Penguins. I headed to the Consol Energy Center and pulled into the parking lot grabbing my camera bag along with my tripod. I walked towards the entrance going in before being stopped by an employee.

"Can I help you with something?" An older man asked me. I noticed on his jacket it said security.

"Yes, I'm suppose to take the player photos and team photos. Where do I go?" I asked smiling at him. I currently was wearing a pair of jeans with a long sleeve pink shirt that I put a brown jacket over to match my brown knee high boots.

"Right this way, I will take you down to Dan and he will tell, you where to set up." The man said.

I nodded at him and followed behind him. We walked over to an elevator and got in. An awkward silence followed as he pushed a button and the elevator began to move downward. I looked around the small space willing the elevator to move faster. Finally, the button dinged and the doors opened. I got off first and then the security guard came off showing me to dans office.

"Thanks," I said to the mans retreating back.

"No problem," he called back.

I knocked on the door and seconds later I heard someone yell come in. I opened the door and walked in.

"I'm here to take the player pictures where do you want me to set up? Oh and I'm Anna," I said smiling at him and extending my hand.

"Dan and first start in the locker room please, there shouldn't be anyone in there. They should all be in the lounge. After that we will move to the rink," he told me smiling warmly.

"Okay thank you," I said smiling and closing his door.

I walked down the hall and walked into the locker room just looking around. It smelled like air fragrance and cleaner so I figured at least it was clean. I set my camera up in the middle of the room, but didn't step on the big penguin logo in the middle of the room since on Wikipedia it said that's offensive or bad luck or something like that.

I set up in front of a locker first that said Crosby on the name tag. I walked out of the room and walked down the hall to the lounge.

"Ummm I'm looking for Mr. Crosby?" I asked kicking myself for not looking at his first name on his name plate.

"That's me, what can I do for you?" An attractive brunette said standing up.

"I'm here to take your pictures," I said looking around the room at everyone's curious stares and then I saw him, Evgeni Malkin, he looked even better in person. I quickly averted my gaze from him and put it back on Sid.

"Oh alright let's go," he said smiling and walking ahead of me.

"Are you a penguins fan?" He asked making conversation as we walked down the hall.

"Nope I've never watched hockey before," I said shrugging as I walked in the room and mumbled a thanks for him holding the door open.

"Are you from Pittsburgh?" He asked me as he walked to his stall.

"Nope, I use to live a couple hours away, but I just never got into hockey." I said shrugging.

"One serious and one smiling," I told him looking into the eye piece of my camera. Man was this guy handsome! His jaw line was wonderful and his brown eyes shined bright.

"Who should I send in next," said asked smiling his bright smile at me.

"Um Kunitz," I said

After taking everyone's pictures it was time to take Malkins picture.

"Hello," he said walking and smiling making my heart pound against my chest,

"Hi," I said shyly smiling at him.

"We take picture how?" He asked in his broken English and I just smiled.

"One serious and one smiling," I said walking to my camera.

"How I suppose to stand?" He asked. Before I could answer though he began to speak again.

"Like this?" He asked putting his hands behind his head and cocking his hip out to the side.

"No straight forward," I said giggling.

"That so boring," he said chuckling but standing straight forward.

"Alright now big smile!" I said looking into the lens and took the picture but wasn't satisfied because he wasn't showing his teeth and I know the picture would look way better if he showed his true smile.

"Now serious yes?" He asked smiling.

"One more smiling picture this time show your teeth. It looks better," I said mumbling the last part. He nodded his head and I took the picture smiling in satisfaction that his teeth were now showing. He looked so attractive, oh my goodness he did, but he probably has a girlfriend that thinks the same thing.

"Alright now serious and then we will go take team pictures," I said to him.

He did a serious face glaring slightly at the camera. I took the picture and smiled at the end result.

"They look great now time for team pictures," I told him.

"Okay, you need help out on ice?" He asked smiling his goofy smile my way.

"Yes please," I said grabbing my camera off my tripod and then grabbing my tripod.

"I carry?" He asked pointing at the tripod.

"Oh yeah sure, thank you," I said smiling shyly. He put his gloves on and grabbed the tripod with one hand and he led me out to where the ice was.

I looked down at the glossy surface.

"You come?" He asked holding out his other hand to me. I looked up at him and then glanced to where all his team mates were.

"Yeah," I said placing my tiny hand in his and clutching onto his hand for dear life. I was nervous I didn't want to fall on my butt in front of everyone and I wasn't even on skates like he was.

"I not let you fall," he said smiling kindly at me as I stepped on to the ice and slowly started to shuffle towards the middle of the ice where the picture would be taken.

"Thanks," I said as I got to the ladder that I would be standing on to take the picture.

"Malkin are you flirting?" Fleury yelled in his French accent.

"I just be nice," he said back defensively as he skated over to his spot in the picture.

I took three pictures and the started to pack up my stuff trying to hurry so the guys could have practice.

"Geno help her off the ice," Coach Dan yelled.

I was surprised when Malkin skated over to me I didn't know they called him Geno.

"They call you Geno?" I asked as he started to skate me over to the wall.

"Uh yeah it nickname," he said blushing slightly.

"Thanks for the help," I said as we got to the wall.

"Welcome and uh you name Anna yes?" He asked smiling.

"Yup," I said smiling back.

"Well uh I want say you very uh..." Geno started nervously.

"He means you're beautiful," Marc said skating by and patting Geno on the back.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I asked blushing.

"Yes and I want know you come to game tomorrow?" He asked smiling.

"Sure, I'll leave my number in your stall," I said smiling and then waving goodbye at everyone walking off.

I wrote my number down on a piece of paper I found in the locker room and left it in his stall before leaving the arena.

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