Part 1

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"Eren.. Wake up." Levi whispered to me.
I woke up and saw Levi in my face.
"Get dressed and come outside."
He left the room and I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to wake up.
I put on my scouting legion uniform and walked outside.
"Levi?" I whispered.
He walked up from behind me and put his hands over my mouth.
I turned around he took his hands off my face. He pointed his hands in the direction next to us mouthing 'follow me' so I did. We walked over to the stalls where the horses were.
"What are we doing here? What time is it?" I whispered.
"Hop on this horse. It's around midnight. Shh... Everyone's asleep."
I got on the horse and helped him up. I sat behind him.
"Hold onto me." He whispered.
I grabbed his waist and he whipped the horse to go and we left.
"Levi isn't this dangerous?!"
"No most of the Titans aren't active at night! We'll be fine!"
"We should've grabbed our 3dmg!"
"We're fine Eren!"
"Put your hood on!" He yelled as he put his on.
I put my hood on and my head down. What are we doing? Where are we going? I trust Levi but this is crazy! We don't have any weapons with us! We could get killed.. About two hours later we stopped in front of a tree and we got off I stretched my legs as he tied the horse to the tree. He took my hand.
"Follow me.."
We started walking to a field full of beautiful plants and flowers all over. There were no Titans in sight either.
"What are we doing here...?" I asked.
He grabbed my face and leaned in to kiss me.
Then suddenly..
I jumped up out of bed. Mikasa was sitting at the end of my bed.
"Eren are you alright? I just came in to tell you that it's time for work.."
"Uh.. Right. Sorry. I'll be there in a sec."
It was just a dream... I got up and dressed in my everyday clothes. I walked out of the house and saw Mikasa doing laundry with a few other girls. She was laughing and they were telling jokes. I smiled and saw Armin run up to me.
"C'mon Eren! We're gonna be late!"
"Bye Mikasa!!" We both yelled.
We ran off to work. As we got there, Armin went into the bakery and started cooking bread. I went across the street to where construction was happening. We build houses and businesses. Right now we're expanding the bakery that Armin works at. I climbed on the roof and started nailing stuff down. A messenger guy came up to the building.
"Eren!! You got a letter!"
I jumped down and grabbed it.
He ran off and I hid the letter in my pocket.
I continued working until the end of the day.
"Eren! Let's continue again tomorrow! Good work today!"
I waved at my boss and jumped down the building.
I walked into the bakery and Armin greeted me with some bread. Since we're expanding their building, they're giving us free food in exchange.
"Thanks Armin. Uh.. I'm tired so I'll see you at home!"
"Bye Eren!"
I ran home and saw Mikasa sitting on her bed hugging her knees; asleep.
I sat on my bed with my back towards her and took out the letter and read it.

I'm sorry it's been so long.. Don't worry. I'm okay. Hope you're doing well. I'll be home soon to see you once again. I miss you. We were talking the other day and we're going to leave next week. We need you, Armin, and Mikasa to join us again. Please.. We keep losing people. I can't even concentrate without you here. I know it's dangerous but we can't do it anymore and Erwin says it's safer with you guys here instead of being underground. We'll talk more later when we get there. See you soon. I love you Eren..
I cried and hid it in my drawer full of other letters from him and locked it.

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