Chapter 26: Back again

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Lauren and Landon were already waiting for Emileigh and Bryan when they got back. Immediately, Lauren went to Emileigh and Landon went to Bryan. They each went to a separate place of the house to talk.

Lauren looked at Emileigh, trying to figure out the neutral expression her face showed. They went to the backyard and sat on the cemented part. It wasn't that hot yet, so the cement was still cool.

Emileigh looked out to the yard. Lauren was quiet but a little impatient. She couldn't take it anymore and she was about to beg her aunt to tell her everything when Landon came into Lauren's mind. You're really patient, she had told him. It was her turn to be patient with her aunt.

Lauren looked out to see the end of the yard. There was a cool breeze that caressed their faces. Both Emileigh and Lauren closed their eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze. It was after this that Emileigh turned to her niece.

Feeling the intense stare of her aunt, Lauren turned her head to face Emileigh. "So?" Lauren started.

"So..." Emileigh stated.

Lauren waited for her to say something else. Her intent gaze landed on Emileigh's hands. Emileigh was staring at her own hands and she kept them clasped together.

"We talked." she finally said.

Disappointment could be seen in Lauren's features. "That's it?" she asked incredulously.

Emileigh smiled to herself. "What else do you think happened? We wanted to talk so we did just that."

"What did you guys talk about?"

"God. Lauren, please."


"We talked about things. Things that any normal person would tell other people."

Suspicion rose in Lauren. She knew that there was something Emileigh wasn't telling her, And she had to know what it was.

"What else are you hiding, Aunt?"

Something clicked in Emileigh's eyes as she remembered what Bryan had told her about him changing since he had entered the Army. But before that, she remembered thinking that Bryan reminded her of her ex-boyfriend. Just thinking about her ex-boyfriend made the tears come back to her eyes.

Lauren caught a sight if this and she literally felt her heart stop in her chest. "Did he harm you in any way?" she asked Emileigh. Lauren's voice was low and filled with serious venom.

Emileigh shook her head. "No, no. Silly. It's not that."

"But there's something?" Lauren asked her, giving herself a mental high five because she was in tune with the woman she absolute,y adored, besides her mother of course.

Trying not to let the tears overcome her, Emileigh nodded her head slightly. "Yes."

Reaching out to Emileigh's hands, Lauren placed hers on top of Emileigh's hand and whispered, "It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Emileigh shook her head. "I want to tell you, Lauren. I have to tell you."

Lauren noticed that Emileigh was being serious. All there was left to do now was to wait until Emileigh gathered herself and told her.

A few minutes passed, and then Emileigh looked at Lauren.

"Bryan reminds me of HIM." Emileigh said slowly.

The oxygen that had once been easy to take in a few seconds ago, became harder for Lauren to breathe. HIM? That was not a good sign.

Emileigh had to add something else so she wouldn't leave Lauren with the thought that the two men were exactly alike. Emileigh took Lauren's hands in hers. "But Bryan is do much different, Lauren. I don't understand what has gotten into me. I don't trust people. That's my first instinct, but when it comes to Bryan-" Emileigh paused, looking for the correct explanation, but found none. And she didn't know what else to say about it. She was at a loss for words, and it was ridiculous to her that she couldn't explain it. 

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