Calm the ocean

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A light and gentle spray alighted from the waters below me, sending a small yet noticible shiver down my spine. Teetering on the edge, I peered down to gage the distance, which was a hundred feet at least. P.E.I. is just about the best place I can think of, as far as the last thing you'll ever see goes. Beautiful and pristine, lighthouses dotting the shoreline like the memory of a time forgotten long ago.

Mary used to tell me that I was beautiful, that she would never leave me and we would be together forever. She would tell me that I was perfect, inside and out. Now Mary tells me other things, like,

"You are horrible! You are bitchy and irritable and annoying to everyone around you!" It was a little sudden, yet looking back, it sort-of crept up behind us like mist trailing from one end of a lake to the other. Mary is with me everywhere I go, which does make sense since she lives inside my head. 

It all began last year, when I turned fifteen. I could hear thoughts in my head that didn't sound like my own, I noticed that I couldn't control my face as well as I used to. I fought and fought against this terrifying invader taking over me. Until all at once, I stopped. Exhausted, confused and fed-up, I gave into Mary. That was my first mistake. As soon as I did that, I was no longer in control of who I was and who I would become. My fate was now in the hands of a voice that only I can hear from the depths of my mind.

Progressivly, Mary became increasingly destructive and abusive. She began to attempt control over my every move, taking my hand back when the real me wanted to reach forward, making me throw my spoon across the cafeteria. These little things angered and horrified me. After that, it became...worse. My walk home consisted of walking near the sheer white cliffs that P.E.I. is famous for. Mary was always nipping at the back of my mind to do something unspeakably selfish and terrifying.

"Just a few little steps!" was her favourite line. Coincidentally, that was exactly what I was doing when he found me that day. Just a few steps to the right, is it really that hard? You won't have to listen to her anymore, it will be the end of Mary's reign upon Amelie.

"Don't move! I'll be right there!" His voice was like silk floating over me, wrapping my skin in a sweet, soft, irresistable embrace. It promised a lifetime of comfort and happiness, joy and affection. A lifetime without the crushing weight of Mary.

My toes inched closer and closer to the edge until I could see all of my black and white striped flip flops. Chunks of pristine white chalky earth broke off and tumbled into the crashing waves below. Shifting my weight ever so slightly forward, I began to tip towards my fate. Until I felt hands curl about my forarms, soft yet distinct, unlike any other hands I had ever touched or felt. He pulled me back, with everything moving in slow-motion. That is, up until the point he swung me around and stared me straight in the eye. That was nowhere near slow-motion, that was infinity wrapped up in all of two seconds. I sunk to my knees suddenly, breaking the moment, exhausted and unsure, his hands still tightly wound around my arms. What was I doing? What was I thinking? I was so frustrated and scared, my nerves were jarred beyond belief, so I did what any other girl would do in my situation. I cried. Quietly but non-stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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