Chapter 1: Damn That New Kid

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 Chapter 1: Damn That New Kid

Haruno Sakura always considered herself as a very level headed and understanding girl. She could think rationally in tough situations, and she always took the time to understand any problem. It was one of her good qualities. She took pride in it. But right now, right now, being level headed and understanding could go screw itself!

She was irritated. Actually, irritated was an understatement. She was pissed off! So badly that she wouldn't be surprised if her eyes turned red and burnt anyone who dared to look at them.

Why was she so pissed off that she wouldn't be surprised if her eyes turned red, and burned anyone who dared to look at them? Well.

If there was one thing Sakura hated to do more than anything, it was transferring schools. If she was only transferring then she would be just irritated but she was also late, and not once but twice. And she absolutely detested being late. Unless, you know, she was doing it on purpose to piss off someone. Then she wouldn't really mind at all. She usually did that to her grandfather and to the people who annoyed her.

Anyway —

It was already halfway through the first semester, and by then everyone would have made friends and they would try to stare down at any new students, and judge whether they were to pose a threat to them or not –just like what this bastard in front of her was doing.

"Yes?" Sakura asked, desperately trying to conceal her anger as she stared at the guy who, quite rudely, called her name. The last thing she needed now was to end up in a fight with these buffoons on her very first day. Thinking back on the days she had received her grandfather's fury, Sakura internally shuddered. Yes, that was definitely the last thing she needed now.

Now you're probably wondering, 'why did she transfer if she hated it so much?'

Very good question.

You see, it all started when one of the students in her very first school, Nakashima Girls' High, managed to annoy her —a no easy feat, might she add—causing Sakura to punch her square in the face. Unfortunately, the girl was head of the student council and the president's daughter. That event was a complete surprise to her grandfather, though she had yet to understand why. He was the one who raised her after all. It also forced Sakura to 'relocate.' Her second school was somewhat tolerable, because it was co-ed, —during the first week. The moment she stepped into the classroom full of snobbish students and the oh-so-mighty teacher during the second week, she almost exploded. Keyword: almost. Sakura slightly applauded herself for her self-control.

That is, until the president of the student council thought it was funny to look down on her family. Sakura vowed that day to never go near a member of the student council ever again; they only seemed to cause her trouble. Which was weird, since the student council were supposed to help the students, notget them expelled.

"You're the new transfer," Sakura winced at the word, "student, Haruno, right?" Sakura remained silent, and peered behind the taller boy's shoulder, spotting the school name:Saruwatari Gakuen. She inwardly snorted at the name, and silently challenged her grandfather if this was really, and she quote, "The only school that could probably handle, and help, her stupid, unnecessary rebellious nature. That school would be perfect for her punishment." Because, seriously, Monkey on a crossing bridge didn't sound as promising as he said the school was. Well, that didn't matter since she, because of the statement her grandfather had said, resented it already. Her rebellious nature was notstupid. Unnecessary, yes, maybe. But definitely not stupid. Well, at least, to her it wasn't, and that was more than enough for Sakura. Though she had to give her grandfather her applause. He finally found a punishment that successfully annoyed her to the core. What punishment, you ask? Sakura had to disguise herself as a boy and act like one.

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