Chap 2

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A/n- ok so ik I left on a cliffhanger last time the story continues from that point!
(David's pov)
And that's when...
(Still David's pov)
And that's when he came barging in joey that son of a bîtch. "I KNEW YOU WERE A SLUT ALEXA I KNEW IT!! WHY THE FÛCK DO YOU HAVE A GUY IN YOUR ROOM!" She just kept crying so I picked her up and placed her on her bed and I stood in front of him. "Oh you want to know why I am here it's because I'm her friend so she invited me over. And I don't think she expected your drunk àss to be home so soon so I hid under her bed just in case you came upstairs when you got here. But when she came from talking with you I was comforting HER BECAUSE OF YOU NOT BEING A MAN AND USING HER LIKE A PUNCHING BAG!" I scream at him and he looks as if he's going to blow he goes to throw a punch but I step to the side knowing with him being so drunk he lost his balance and landed on his face as he groans and speaks "you say I'm not a man but you can't take a simple punch." "Actually I can take a punch but it's more fun when you outsmart someone and they hurt themselves."

I here a small laugh with a sniffle and I turn around and go to alexa with open arms. "Hey David thank you but you didn't have to," she shyly smiles. "Yes I did have to do that I wanted to help because he was àss. And if you don't want to live here there's an extra room in my house and I don't think my parents would mind you staying if they knew the circumstances."

Alexa's pov
He just offered for me to stay with him. Should I? The only fear is Joey coming after me and him trying to hurt them. But what other chance do i have from getting away. "David i will go with you but i warn joey will come after me." I frown looking down. "Alexa i dont care if he comes after you. You just need to get out of here and fast before he wakes up." I smile and grab my black suitcase out from under my bed and i grab all my clothes toss them in with my chargers and my many many converse. Happy with that i grab my "plans" and put them away. "Im ready." We walk out of my house I look back and smile at the fact I'm leaving.

"Hey David I have something I forgot to grab come with me to get it?" "Yah sure what is it." "Oh just the Christmas gifts he had for me and the ones I got for him. By the way I had to or things would of gone wrong" I frown at the thought. We walk in and I grab some presents and he grabs others. We now are officially leaving and I'm away from the hèll known as him.

"Well this is fun now how the héll r we going to get all this stuff to your house?" I laugh and he has this weird thinking face going on making me laugh more. "Do you know how to drive?" He ask "yah i maybe 18 but no I don't. Do you?" "Yah but I'm not to good but I can I don't have a license but I can." Oh this is going to be good and good thing I stole joeys keys hehe. I jingle the keys toward David "well good thing I stole these lets go" we walk to his car and I open the trunk and put my stuff in the car.

A/n: This is more of a filler than anything bc i didn't know what right sorry its short!!!!

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