His eyes

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I can still hear the sea calling me. Beckoning me. Cooing me. Maybe going near the sea was never a good idea but I find serenity and peace in this place. It had been 3 years since I killed someone here. It was never a secret. My adopted parents knew and despise me to hell. My friends knew and they out casted me from the circle. My school mates knew that’s why they treated me like I’m a virus lurking around. And I, myself knew what I did.


I never regretted what I did to my step brother. He deserved it more than anyone else and I was just protecting myself from his evil hands. Everyone else isolated me, loathed me, despised me till I gave up on them and ran away from what I used to call my home.

Chapter 1

"Your beautiful eyes
Stare right into my eyes
And sometimes
I think of you late at night
I don't know why"

Beautiful Eyes- Taylor Swift

7:00 AM

It’s time for work again.

I groggily stood up and headed to the bathroom where I took a quick shower. I faced the mirror after I shower, it was a bit murky in the bathroom and my reflection was a little vague for me to see. That’s better, atleast I won’t be able to see the awful reflection in the plane mirror. I headed out and went to the kitchen to feed my protesting stomach. Everyday it’s always like this, wake up, shower, eat, work, go home, eat, work, go home and sleep. My life is as simple as 1 2 3 A B C and I liked it. For three years, I never complained with the simplicity of my life. Why make it perplex when there’s an easy way?

I arrived at work 10 minutes ahead of opening time, atleast I would be able to help my boss prepare the goods. I’m working as a helper and sometimes a cashier in a small pastry shop in Seoul every morning from 7:30-10:30 am. The income wasn’t really that high but it’s enough for me to pay some bills.

The bell rang and the door opened a guy in black shirt and denim pants walked in with his rectangular glasses on. He was lean and a bit skinny. Just a normal teenage body. It’s funny how I like observing people when in general I hate them. I hate them for their ignorance and judgmental self.

“Goodmorning Sir” I greeted with a coy smile. I wasn’t used to smile genuinely, I never smiled on my own will. I smiled for my job. I smiled for my income.

He didn’t greet me back which somewhat disappointed me but I met a lot of customers who are just like him. Snob.

“3 slices of black forest cake and a jar of chocolate chips” he said sternly. I punched in his order on the computer and turned to the glass shelf where the pastries were located. When I returned on the cashier table, and looked at him, our eyes met. His eyes were fascinating behind those transparent lenses. It’s twinkling against the light that reflects on his glasses.

Black, smoldering and glassy eyes.

After god knows how many seconds his gaze went down to the paper bag I’m holding.

“Is that my order?” he asked with a smile tugging on his lips.

“I..yes. Yes. This cost 5,914 KRW” I replied stuttering a little. I was so fazed with his eyes it made my concentration dwindled.

He smiled and fished out his wallet to get in some cash. When he handed me the money, I made sure our fingers won’t make any contact with each other. It was a success.

I gave him a one last look in the eyes before he turns around and leave, maybe leave permanently from my life. When I focused on his eyes, they were still twinkling from the light above him. It’s so wonderful. Ever since I was a child, looking at others’ eyes was the only thing that delights me. In their eyes, I see a lot of raw emotion. Some were hurt, some were delighted, some were lonely and some where blank, or maybe lost.

His eyes shifted up on mine and our eyes met for the second time. This time he raised a brow and looked at me confused. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Your eyes” I pointed out deadpanned. I realized what stupidity I did and I quickly waved off my hand to dismiss my stupidity. Great.

“Are they big?” he answered with a light chuckle on his voice. I was quickly out of words to respond. His eyes were big. Those were doe rounded eyes, but there’s something just enchanting if you look at those. It’s enthralling. It conveys a lot of emotions that I can’t figure what are those. Happiness? Melancholic? Confused? Hurt? Anger? Desolation? Hope? Assurance? Love? Or maybe not the last part but still, those eyes are the most wonderful of all.

“It..it.. I mean… those eyes..um” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

“My eyes look that bad, huh?” he pressed his lips together suppressing a grin.

“No!” I blurted out. He looked at me, confusion written all over his face but still managed to quirk up a smile. I almost smiled back when the bell rang and reality hit me.

Eyes can be deceiving..Ever since. Ever since.

 I shook my head and bowed a little to bid goodbye. I may not be a friendly person but I sure know how to be polite especially now that I made a very weird impression on him.

He nodded slightly and turned to leave.

Maybe I won’t see him again.

Maybe I won’t be able to lay my eyes on those wonderful eyes again.

Maybe he was just another person to pass by my life.




finally a chapter has been born \o/
sorry for my taylor swift lyric snip here, the song fit well so why not :)

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