Chapter 1: Another Turning Point A Fork Stuck In The Road

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Chapter 1: Another Turning Point, A Fork Stuck In The Road

I grabbed my coat, because I knew today was going to be a windy day. Plus, here in Minnesota it's always cold. My parents are still asleep—as usual—so it's my responsibility to take the dog out before I walk to the bus stop. I'm always waking up early, so I was up before my sister. Cassandra (Cass) , had just stood up off the bed when I had grabbed the dog leash from the hook. Right as I had opened the door, I felt a gush of wind take over my presence. I immediately covered my face, so that it wouldn't trigger my asthma. I kept my arm over my nose and mouth the whole time I was outside with Buster, which was only about three minutes. I wanted to be back inside as soon as possible.
When I was inside, I unhooked Buster from his leash and started to gather everything I needed for school. When I picked up the final item, Cass had walked into the living dressed in her school uniform—yes, we have uniforms—looking adorable as ever.

"Hey Amaya, are you picking me up from school today?" I kneeled down in one knee so that I was at my five-year-old sister's height.

"Kiddo, I'm only twelve, I can't drive yet."

"But who picks me up after school when Mommy is at the doctors?" Today was Cassandra's first day of school. By that I mean, this is her first year of school, so she's not familiar with the routine even though mom had stated it a multiple amount of times. The younger classes start later, by later I mean the day before Christmas Break, which I think is pretty stupid.

"You ride the bus home with me, and we are actually gonna go to the bus stop now. Come on, let's go."

     Cass and I made our way down just in time. Right when we made it to the pole, the bus had came to a stop in front of us. I taught her the routine, showed her where she'd be sitting, when to step off, etc. I did what I usually do, put my earbuds in. I turned on my Taylor Swift Pandora radio, and the song that played was one of my favorites, 'Enchanted'.

This is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the story ends.
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again.
These are the words I held back, as you were leaving too soon.
I was enchanted to meet you.

     After a ten minute bus ride, I had finally arrived at my middle school. When I walked inside I met up with my best friend, Charline (Shar-lean), or as we call her, Char.

"Amaya! You will never believe what just happened!" Char yelled running down the hallway.

"Woah, slow your roll! Wha—"

"Chad asked me out!!"

"What?! No way!! What did you say?!" Chad has been Charline's crush since the third grade, we're in seventh now. They are best friends, and they are always together. I bet nobody is surprised that this happened.

"I didn't respond! I was too happy that I even began to cry! I ran to the bathroom and saw one of the populars in there. I immediately ran out, because I didn't want her seeing me like this then end up asking a bunch of questions. So then I went to find you, and well. . .you're standing right in front of me! What should I do, Maya?"

" say yes! You've liked Chad for over three years!"

"But's not that simple...what if something happens and it destroys our friendship?" Her voice became filled with sadness and worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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