I Trusted You

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Tried to escape Baby

Please just let me go

But you love

I did but your to abusive for me and our bond is brokened

Let me love you again

No I'm leaving don't come after me again
I said while getting on top of the window seal

I have a good life waiting for me and your not in it so please let me go

Can I at least get a hug and a good bye kiss

Fuck no bye BITCH
I said while jumping out the window

I landed and running in the car driving off he could still see me in the mirror but I just put on the music and driving

Its morning and we are in new York city I'm so Fucking tired and done with the world right now I just want to wash and then Fuck up a BITCH name hunter

We got to the apartment place

Zack, Cody,and storm wake up we are here

Mom 5 more minutes please

Yeah mom I I agree with Cody

Me too

OK you guys get up let's go grab your bags



Your a bum

-------------later in the apartment----

OK Zack and Cody you'll have to share a bed with storm and a room until I can get more stuff

OK well unpack your stuff when I get back you should have it all done and boys you will start school tomorrow

I walked out of the door and across
The hall to hunters apartment

Ohhhh yeahhhh harder mmmmmm your dick is so biggg you pound so hard

You like that harder

Knock knock knock

Oh wait here sexy..... who is it

Babe I'm hungry when I'd the delivery coming

This is delivery

Why didn't you said so

He opened the door and I bumped right through it when I walked in I see a prostitue laying down with her legs all opened rubbing herself

What the hell

Get the Fuck out whore

BITCH he didn't pay me my money

I'm beyond piss and don't know if you want me to get mad

I'm sex maniac here get out

Oh OK call me later hunt
She said while walking out

How did you escape

None of your damn business I want to Fucking rip your head of your body and burn it but I will not

So no hard feelings but really Vanessa I did like you

Shut the Fuck up I bet

You left me there to Fucking die and get abuse..... where's the money


Where is it I want 30,000,000 million I need to move away from you because if I can't trust you who can I trust

You can I just needed the money I need to get out of here

No what you need to do is give me the money


OK but when your dead don't expect me to give you a Fucking funeral since I escape and "died"

He thanks your dead

Yeah I made a car accident long story

OK OK OK OK I actually like you I even.....think I love you

Fuck you fine I'll Get the money myself and IF i have to fight I will

No no it's fine I'll give you it

Thanks for the money have a nice life

I love you
I stared at him and walked away to open the door I turned around

Good bye huntey

The Devil Himself ~Editing~Where stories live. Discover now