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The sun shining in your face made you let out a groan.

"Why?.... morning already?" you said under your breath.

Last night wasn't the best. You spent hours helping Fishlegs with giving the dragons a bath. And they REALLY needed one! You got on bed like at 3 o' clock in the morning, and right now, it was 7 am. Maybe it sounds exaggerated, but you also did it kind of late.

"Alright (name)... you can do this...1...2...3!" You said with big hope of getting out of your bed.

On your feet, you changed to your regular clothes of almost everyday (the clothes you want) and ran to the kitchen. You decided to eat some (favorite breakfast) while thinking of what you had to do that day. You had to go to your daily lessons on dragon training and finally chose your own!!

"OMG i almost forgot about that!! I need to tel Hiccup, he's gonna-" you stopped as you realized what you said.

Of all the people on Berk, Hiccup was the first one on your mind. Oh Hiccup... The freckled boy that made you crazy, also the only guy that made your face red as a tomato. With no clue of it. You let out a sigh at this thought

"Why are boys so complicated?" you asked.

You've been Hiccup's friend even before Red Death attacked! Ugh... friend.. only thinking on that word made you want to cry in frustration. Why can't you be MORE than friends for once...
Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. You jumped out of your seat and ran to it. You opened the door, only to see Fishlegs with Meat lug.

"Hello (name)" said Fishlegs with a polite smile

"Hey Fishlegs! What are you doing here?..... Did i over sleep again? I'm so sorry-" you said until he interrupted

"No , no, not at all, it's just that, i wanted to tell you that i won't give you your lesson today" he said

'What? Why?" you asked confused

"Well... she's not feeling good" he said gesturing at his Gronkle friend.

"It's ok, i can handle a day without a lesson" you said with a smile

"No, but i think you will like this. I got you a substitute" he said

"Substitute? Who?" you asked even more confused

"The best dragon trainer on Berk!" he said excited.

Wait!.... was it.... no it can't be..

"Y-You mean... H-Hiccup?" you asked a little unsure.

He only nodded with a smile in his face. You were so excited!!! Hiccup, your best friend and long life crush, was going to be your personal teacher for a WHOLE day!! You tried to cover the excitement on your face.

"Oh... sounds great.. Thanks Fishlegs" you said

"Your welcome. Meet him in the dragon academy at 12:00. Bye!" he said and waved a goodbye.

You waved back and came into your house closing the door behind you. You let out a squeal of delight.

"This day is going to be.. EPIC!!!"

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