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Hiccup's P.O.V:

My morning started a little weird. Fishlegs got here earlier and asked me if i could help (name) on her training because Meat lug wasn't feeling ok.

In my opinion, she looked fine. But i'm not here to judge. Besides, i don't mind training (name), what are friends for? I would do almost anything for her. She's always been there for me, now it's my turn.

It's 5 minutes before 12:00, and Toothless and i are already here. I don't know why, but i feel kind of excited, i mean it's not that i'm not excited about the training, but i think i'm excited to see (name)...

No one's P.O.V:

You walked inside the academy with sweaty palms. OH GOD YOU WERE NERVOUS!!

"Calm down... calm down, just go in there.... and do your best" you said to yourself with confidence.

As you walked pass the gate, you saw your teacher petting his Night Fury. All your confidence and strength disappeared in the blink of an eye, and replaced with fear.... fear of bringing a fool of yourself in front of the boy you love. He then suddenly turned to face you with a warm smile and a wave

"Hey (name)!" he said

"Hey H-Hiccup" you said walking to him

"You ready?"


The time past very quickly, and you and Hiccup had lots of fun during it.

When it was over, you decide to go to a mountain and relax a bit. Hiccup sat down, and told Toothless to leave. You both stared at the sunset with wide eyes. It was beautiful.

"Thanks for the training Hic" you said politely.

Hiccup just smiled

"Anytime (name) What are friends for?"

The pain came back. Friend... that word kept echoing in your brain like a mosquito that wouldn't go away. Without you noticing, tears began to fell from your cheeks.

Hiccup noticed this, and began to worry

"(Name)?! What's wrong?"

You finally realized you were crying. Just great. You wiped them away with your arm, and tried to fake a smile so Hiccup wouldn't worry.
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong"

Hiccup moved closer to and put his arm around you.

"(Name).... your my best friend... and i know when something is bothering you. So please just tell me"

"Please stop saying that word.."

"What word?" You realized you said that out loud.

Hiccup gave you confused look, waiting for your answer. With those innocent green eyes melting with your own (eye color) eyes. Why did you have to love him so much? That's when your sadness became anger.

"Friend..." You finally spoke.

Hiccup looked even more confused. Why would that word bother you? He didn't hesitate on asking that

"Why?" You couldn't hold back any longer. The tears came back and this time, you didn't stop them

"Because i love you, idiot!!" you yelled, don't caring anymore of what he thinks "I don't want to be your friend, i wanna be more that that. But you never even noticed!" Your voice started to crack because of your sobs and tears. Hiccup looked confused, shocked, scared... many things. You knew you blew up the chance. Every hope was gone.

"I'm s-sorry..." you said. You couldn't stay there. You got up, trying to walk away, and try to forget this day happened. For your surprise, something stopped you. Wait! Not something.... someone. Someone's hand. Hiccup's. He pulled you back into his arms, and pressed his lips against yours. You were completely shocked! Was he really kissing you? In a moment, closed you eyes and kissed back. Hiccup's lips melted on yours. They were soft and sweet. Just like you dreamed it would be. Eventually, you both ran out of air, and stopped for a break.

"I love you too...." Hiccup spoke a little later. "The truth is, i've always had. It's just that i was scared that you didn't love me back. I'm sorry for hurting you so much (name)"

"That's exactly what i thought!" you said with a smile.

Hiccup put his hand on your hair and moved a few hairs from your face. You blushed lightly. After a moment of silence and staring in each others eyes, you both leaned in for another kiss.
The time, you were ready, and it felt even better that the first. You felt how Hiccup's tongue went inside your mouth. He was French kissing you!! You did the same, and both of you started to moan. You opened your eyes a bit and saw Hiccup blushing. He looked so cute. You both stopped and began to pant for air.

"So... does this mean.... were together?" You asked unsure

"What do you think?" he said with a smirk.

You just nodded and gave him a tight hug. This was definitely the best day ever.

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