A/N: For those of you who are confused or simply don't know, Search and Destroy (S&D) is a popular gamemode in which each player has one life; if they are killed, they are forced to spectate their own teammates. There are two bomb sites and two teams, one of the teams plant the bomb at one of the sites (A or B) and we can either win by killing their entire team, or defusing the bomb that they plant. Eventually, if there is still at least one player on each team, the bomb will explode, causing the game to end. The rest, you'll figure out yourself. 😉
Ninja Defuse 1:
As soon as I spawned I knew exactly what I was doing; I ran through the middle, but behind the wall so I was hidden with my MP7 in hand as that was my lightest weapon. I climbed up the ladder and went into the room on my left, only to be greeted with bullets to my back.
Thankfully, I was quick enough run to my left and jumped down onto the control pad, as that was the defuse spot. Out of pure anxiety, I repositioned myself and scooted back a bit so I was a bit more hidden in the panel. I pulled out my black hat and waited.
It took about only 20 seconds for, just as I had hoped, the player on the opposite team to be chasing me. I saw him walk right in front of me and begin planting the bomb. My heart was pounding and my hands were sweating. Could this be my first ninja defuse? Maybe I'll record it and let it be the clip I use for my new clan.
As I approached the player from behind, my father began.
"Shoot him! Shoot him!"
"No! Shhh. You're giving me away!"
I think after that, he realized what I was doing as he had seen many videos of it previously with me.
The player finally finished planting the bomb. This is the most scary part of Ninja Defusing, you see, because lots of times they finish planting and they decide to run back the other way and bam! They see you and shoot you! Just like that, you failed. Unfortunately for me, this person was smart and guarded the bomb site-
-but not smart enough. The player finished planting and began running around the bomb-facing the opposite way from me-and ran into a corner, aiming right at the bomb site. Luckily, I was on the opposite side of the bomb from him, and I was crouched just low enough so that I couldn't be seen in the cover of the site, so I thought I was okay. Immediately, the prompt appeared.
I did so and the circular meter began filling up more and more, as did my hopes. I prayed that nobody shot me in the back or that the person saw me. Any mistake and I was out of the game and forced to spectate my fellow teammates.
My father, standing to the right of me, was tensed up just like me. And finally, although it had seemed like an eternity, my player removed the defusing kit from his face and the announcer from the background said 'Bomb defused.' As well as bright blue text crossed my screen saying 'Defused Explosives', giving me one hundred points.
I smiled, boy did I smile. I jumped up out of my chair and yelled at the top of my lungs:
CoD Multiplayer
ActionThis is another Call of Duty series featuring me, my friends, and of course, CoD. One of my favorite games ever. I love to just get in and play zombies or multiplayer or even campaign sometimes. It's all fun, thanks to my baes over at Treyarch. [Als...