Chapter Three

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Kendall's pov

He arrived at the small coffee shop shortly after messaging Neko to meet him here at that very moment. He looked around in a short glance noticing that she hadn't made it there yet, he sits at a small booth signaling a waiter as he got comfortable among the padded bench. The young lady made her way over to him as her smile was bright but full of a flirtatious messages. He smiled up to her as she finally approaches him.

" Hello, what can I get for you today sir?* She bites her lip in nevousness as she speaks to him with kindness. He Snickers lightly. * I want a turkey club with extra bacon and a black coffee please* he gives her a bright smile as she walks away into the kitchen to receive what he had wanted like a slave in his command. He looks to the door in a quick glance as he notices her walk through the door with such grace in her steps. He smirks softly before waving her over to him.  She sits down the hint of nervousness painted all over her face.

He laughs playfully, he then gets her attention as he opens his mouth the speak her green eyes showing the unknown he wanted. The waiter approaches the table with his sandwich and coffee. She looks to Neko her face drops instantly Neko speaks softly. " Can I please get a coffee?" The waiter the Snickers before  walking off with a huff of disappointment. He sips his coffee " I think someone is jealous of you." Her eyes widen with shock " I don't see why, can I not have a coffee without rude remarks from miss bitch?" He chokes on his coffee laughing loudly.

The waiter then returns placing the coffee in front of Neko before walking away without a single word. He watched her as she places sugar into her coffee. She catches his eye but she don't look away she holds contact. I attempt to speak to her before rudely being interrupted by a passing ambulance that had made her jump and spill her coffee into her lap. She jumps up quickly " ow hot oh my gosh" she fans her lap as the coffee stained her pants.

Niko's pov

Oh my gosh I did it now he probably thinks I'm a damn loon. My skin burned underneath my jeans causing me to become uncomfortable rather quickly. I look around quickly calling over the rude waitress from before. " Can I get a wet rag please" the waitress laughs out covering her mouth quickly as she did so. She turns and bolts off quickly laughing under her breath. My cheeks burn red as embarrassment seeps my veins. I look to him a look of disgust plays among his face as the waitress walks threw the  kitchen doors.

" I'm so sorry I-" I shake my head before siting back down among the bench. I gulp back my words starting at the table in complete shock. He burst out laughing causing me to jump " you certainly have a way to start a conversation, no need to be embarrassed miss Neko things happen" he smiles kindly as he hands me a few nearby napkins. I Pat at my lap softly trying to soak up some of the coffee. " I'm so embarrassed, I haven't been around a man like this in years...I'm just flustered I suppose" he chuckles once more. " I make you nervous?" My throat closes from his question, why must he have such a effect on me damn it.  I then remember i was curious on how he received my number, he must work for the government or is some kind of spy. I laugh to myself before looking up to the strange man across from me.

" do you mind telling me how you obtained my phone number? are you some kind of government worker or something?" He swallows a bite of his sandwich and shrugs lightly. " something like that" My brows furrow as he didn't answer my question, why is he avoiding it? I roll my eyes and look around uncomfortable of our surrounds. " why did you pick here anyways?" I bite my lip realizing that i had just began a game of twenty questions, my cheeks flush red again. he shakes his head lightly. " this place has the best turkey clubs, and i'm fasinated in getting to know you neko" my heart skips a beat, he so smooth with his words and yet he made me so nervous why? My body responded to him and his deep voice my panties began to get soaked from the thoughts that began to flood my mind.

" would you like to know what i'm really interested in neko?" my curiousity peaks as his words slid off his tongue with a hint of lust. " sure" I shrug expecting something different. " i would rather show you dear" He stands swiftly and offers me his right hand, i hestitate before taking it he pulls me from the bench to my feet. we walk to the restroom like it was normal and there was a hidden message to be received. we slid into the empty bathroom and he locked the door behind us. he turned to me causing my throat to yet again close. his hands wrap around my waist placing me up onto the sink, he slowly slid between my legs placing his hand lightly against the back of my head before gripping a hand full of my hair. i wanted him and i wanted him and was gonna let him have his way with me. his lips slam into mine, they were soft and tasted of ranch and bacon, he pushed his tongue into my mouth causing my tongue to dance with his by then my panties were drenched with antisapation. he roughly unbuttons my pants sliding them off in one quick motion almost pulling me from the sink if he hadn't been standing there. I felt the warmth of his fingers against my pussy lightly tracing circles over my underwear, my breath hitches.

"is this what you want neko? i can be what you crave and desire if you let me." my voice spoke on it's own without so much as a second thought. " yes kendall this is what i desire and so badly want" i pull him close kissing his soft lips once more as he slid his hand into my soaked panties. i could feel him massaging my clit gently causing me to lean my head against the mirror among the wall behind me. in one swift motions he lowers to his knees pushing my panties aside as he traces the lips of my pussy with his tongue causing me to moan out in enjoyment. i could already feel my orgasm already build as he sucked my clit, it definetly has been a while since a man had showed me a good time. i moan out loudly as my orgasm peaks rolling into my toes  i bite my lip trying to hold back my enjoyment as he continue to circle my clit causing multiple more orgasm to come soon after. He stands wiping the juices of my core from his face. " that will be enough for today miss neko, we will stay in touch" he then turns unlocking the door and stepping out leaving me there in complete pleasure she wanted more of him and there was no doubt in her mind that he had her wrapped around his finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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