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"When were you gonna tell me about her?" she asks simply.

The two are in the cabana the crew had set up for a scene earlier. Sitting with his legs crossed, he is surrounded by some local food he wanted to try and she was scrolling in quiet concentration thru her IG feed. Her mouth popping open every now and then as he feeds her the food he thinks she'll like.

A group was with them earlier, but as dawn approaches, everyone disappeared one by one leaving the two alone. She knows what the crew is trying to do but she's more concerned by the chaos erupting in their IG at the moment.

The way she sees it, it's either she waste her time waiting in vain or she could simply ask him if the rumors are true. And a wasteful person she is not, so she simply asked him.

Nadine notes the way the question catches him off guard. How he pauses mid-bite, chewing slowly and gulping his glass of Coke until it's almost empty. She notes the way he's stalling. And she begins to regret asking.

"About who?" he finally answers.

She pauses, closely studying him with her eyes. He looks unfazed, the cool sea breeze softly playing with his tousled hair, but she knows better. She's seen him do it every time a reporter asks him a question he doesn't quite want to answer.

"Really James? You're gonna spin me around to avoid lying? You taught me that trick."

Brown soulful eyes meet black bright ones, trying to portray an innocent look, "I'm not lying, I really don't know who you're talking about."

"Julia. Is it true?" He blinks upon hearing Julia's name. Five, ten, fifteen times. She lost count, but one thing is clear, the name flustered him.

" Look, just drop it okay?" The irritation is so obvious in his voice now, and still she decides to push on.

The need to know is like an itch she needs to scratch until it bleeds.

" Okay. But why?" His reaction confuses her, she was expecting an outright denial and a mere shrug. Not this-

" Coz the fact that you asked me, means you'll doubt me anyway!" -this harshness and defensiveness from him.

" Then oblige me! Coz this is the first time I asked you about any of them, James! And I need an answer!" She snapped back, her own voice starting to rise to match his.

"Look, its not what you think. Its actually-" He says, quickly attempting to pacify her.

"James!!! I'm not asking if you think I'm stupid or not!!! I'm just asking if its true! Are you and Julia dating?!" She asks thru clenched teeth.

It happens slowly, but she can see in his face that he realizes he has no choice but to answer.

He hangs his head in defeat, eyes downcast, mouth opening and closing a few times before finally whispering an almost inaudible, "Yes."

Nadine can literally feel the color drain from her face as she stares at him in total shock, a sickening weight settling in her stomach.

It takes everything she has to keep her emotions in check. Taking deep even breaths, keeping her eyes straight ahead and intentionally not meeting his intent stare.

After a few awkward minutes, she finally brings herself to squeak out in a small voice, "For how long?"

James hesitates, dragging his hands thru his hair, and pulling his hair in distress.

What he wouldn't give for a meteor to come and blast him to oblivion at this very moment. But nothing comes. Only the soft splashing of the waves on the moonlit shore. "Naddie please..." he pleads.

How to Break Up a Loveteam in Two WaysWhere stories live. Discover now