Epilogue: Daddies love

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(12 years later)

Lander's POV:

I watch our boys play in the yard, this is the life the war seems like just a distant memory the boys are doing great and we even have a new little man Luka he ended up being human like his father, and just as beautiful as he is too.

Jace is over with daddy going over last-minute party plans for Luka's birthday tomorrow. My eyes scan the yard as I take in my pack and family all laughing and enjoying life. Luka will be turning six, it's crazy to think that the twins are already fifteen years old. They are growing up so fast to fast. It has been peaceful since the war ended 11 years ago.

The pack is finally back to normal and everyone is finally happy and moving on from all that happened. Even Tristan found himself another mate which I'm not really sure how that happened but I'm happy for him. He deserves happiness as well.

I look over at the boys its hard to believe the twins are 15 already. Time sure flies by, I can still remember when they were babies god do I miss those days sometimes. I wouldn't trade the boys for anything though to go back to that time. They have come a long way from back then they have grown into great teens. Lane is strong headed and seems like he will make a good leader some day. Leon is just as strong of a child but he isn't completely like his brother. I think he sees himself doing something different where as for Lane wants to take over the pack someday. We have decided to let the boys chose their path in life.

Jace walks over to me smiling while looking out at our back and family its a great day. I cuddle him into my side, this is the life and tomorrow my baby boy will be will be turning six its hard to believe.

"Today is a beautiful day." Jace says smiling up at me, I nod agreeing with him it really is. I look over to see Luka wondering a little to close to the woods. I open my mouth to yell at him to come back this way and that's when I see it. A rouge. It all happens so fast one minute Luka is standing there laughing and the next he's laying on the ground covered in blood.

"Get the pups in the house!" A yell as I shift quickly my eyes flashing royal blue. One of the pack warriors who was on patrol who was supposed to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen comes into the clearing to see what has happen. I drive at the rouge ripping its throat out. I shift back quickly running over to my little boy. I lift him into my arms and rush him to Doc Able. I bust through the door and lay him on the table. Able comes over to check him out yelling for someone to start blood. He checks his vitals then starts CPR, I just watch in shock or disbelief not really sure which. Jace clings to me screaming to please save his son. Our son. Then I hear the last words any parents want to hear.

"Time of death 1:45pm." Doc Able says after checking the clock. He looks at us with sadness in his eyes and shakes his head. I fall to my knees with Jace in my arms hes sobbing now I can tell but I don't hear anything everything has gone silent. Jace crawls over to our son as he continues to sob begging for this to not be real. I sit there on my knees tears streaming down my face. I feel hands touch my shoulder and I look back to see Lane and Leon. I close my eyes crushing them into a tight hug. I've lost my baby boy. He's gone.

I don't remember much after that everything was a daze. Papa took back over the pack in the days to come as Jace and I got ready to bury our little boy. I haven't really talked much since it happened. It just seems so unreal. He was just there and then he was gone. I was right there I should have been able to stop it. Why couldn't I stop it. After we bury our little boy I wonder if we will ever be the same again. Most likely not.

Jace hasn't said a word to anyone since everything happened not even me. I don't know what to do for him I know he probably blames me for it and I wouldn't even be mad at him if he did because I know I damn well blame myself for it. Jace is laying in bed and hasn't eaten in a couple days neither have I really. I bring him a sandwich like I do every day and ask him to please eat but I get the same silence I always do. He just stays cuddled in a ball on the bed crying quietly.

"I'm sorry Jace, its all my fault I should have stopped it. Why couldn't I have stopped it?" I ask him just praying for a answer but with the one I got I think I rather not have gotten one at all.

Jace's POV:

Lander keeps bringing me food but I don't want it. How can I eat when my baby won't be eating anymore. My little boy will never turn a day older. He will never hit his sixth birthday. He will never feel hot or cold again. He will never fall in love and will never have his first heartbreak. He will never do anything again. Never.

"I"m sorry Jace, its all my fault I should have stopped it. Why couldn't I have stopped it?" Lander asks.

"You're right you should have stopped it. You're his father you should have protected him. He's dead because you couldn't protect him. I hope your happy! You killed our son!" Before I can even think the words just fall out of my mouth I don't mean them but I couldn't stop myself. I know these words will hurt him and will probably always hurt him. I look at his face the see tears rolling down his face before he lets off a loud sob. Soon enough we are clinging to each other sobbing. I'm not sure when the twins came in but they clang to us as well as we cried together.

"It will be okay papa, daddy." Leon whispers. Our son has to comfort us this isn't right this should be the other way around. But I can't bring myself to say anything. Lander just keeps saying he's sorry and its all his fault. It's not his fault but I can't bring myself to believe it.

"It's not your fault papa, it's no ones fault you couldn't have done anything. You were to far away. No one could have changed this outcome. No one." Lane says, he's right but I don't want him to be.

"If he hadn't been human he could have been saved. It's my fault he was human because I'm human. He could have survived if he was a werewolf. It's my fault. I'm sorry Lander. I'm sorry." He pulls me closer telling me it isn't my fault its no ones fault but his.

(Three Months Later)

I have been feeling pretty sick, throwing up. I've been having weird cravings. I'm pretty sure I know what this means but just to be sure I go see Doc Able to make sure. He conforms what I already know. I'm pregnant again with another boy. He prints off the ultrasound for me. I just sit there looking at our little boy.

"Can you tell if this one is human or not?" I ask hoping to god he isn't I don't want what happened to Luka to happen again.

"He seems to be a healthy werewolf Luna." I feel tears falling down my face, I thank him and leave going to find Lander who has thrown himself into his work lately. I knock on the door of the office. Lander looks up from his desk smiling at me with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes but I think I can change that with this one picture.

"Lander I need to tell you something." I pull the picture our of my pocket and walk towards him, please let him be happy about this.

Lander's POV:

"Lander I need to tell you something." Jace says as he enters the office. He grabs something out of his pocket. What if he wants to leave me? What if he doesn't want us anymore? Maverick whines in my head that can't be it right?

"What is it, baby?" He pushes me back from the desk sitting in my lap and that's when he opens it. It's a picture of a ultrasound. My breath catches is this ours. Our little baby. My eyes fill with tears.

"It's ours. Our little boy. Our little werewolf boy." He says conforming what I wanted to know. I let out a loud sob crushing Jace to me. Everyone comes running in when they hear it. Worried filled eyes fall on us as we sob into each other. Papa, Daddy, Avery, Leon, Lane, James, and Alex. We are pregnant and Its a werewolf boy I say between sobs. Maybe we can finally be happy again. Hopefully after all you are my perfect mate and I your alpha.


Well all this is the end of my perfect mate I hope you liked it sorry it took so long to finish it! would love to hear some feedback on what you think. I know I need to go through and edit the whole story but still let me know what you think please! Thank you all for reading!!

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