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---Geet's POV---

"Of course, I'll definitely be there!" I said.

"Can't wait,"Akhash said.


"Me too!" He said.

"I'm going to pack. I'll see you in a bit," I said.

"See ya," he said and we hung up.

Thankfully, he had gotten tickets so I was excited.

My phone went off and I answered it.

"Hey," I said.

"I hear happiness, that make me happy," Waqas said.

I love this guy.

"Ya. I'm happy," I said.

"Who made you so happy?" He asked.

"Akhash," I said.

"Oh," he said.

Disappointment clearly visible.

"You did as well,"I said.

"Hey, I'll call you back,"he said.

"Uuuuummmm okay," I said and he hung up.

---Waqas' POV---

Akhash? Really?

I thought I did my best to make her happy, but apparently I didn't do my enough. Akhash did better, I guess.

Ugh! What the heck did he even do?

My phone went off and it was a text from Geet.


Hey. Please don't be mad or upset. He just got an opportunity of a lifetime and I was happy for him. I don't know if I should apologize for that. To be honest, I don't think I should, because I was happy for someone I care about. You need to know that I love you and only you. Please just remember that.

--End text---

God! I really am an idiot. I don't want her to have to apologize for being happy.

I decided to call her.

"Hi,"she said.

"Jaan, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to apologize for being happy," I said.

"I love you so much. I just want you to trust me. There's nothing going on between us, just in case,"she said.

"I do trust you babygirl. I don't know what got into me," I said. "And I love you too."

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