The Botched Up Dare

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Charlotte's POV:

            “I’m bored, let’s do something fun,” Amy moaned in the most exasperated voice Charlotte had ever heard.         

            “Lets play truth or dare,” Sophie recommended. Nobody could say no that, we all loved being extreme.

            ‘’Let’s make this interesting; whoever does the most wild dares gets one hundred dollars from the losing parties,” Jolie pitched. We all simultaneously agreed. Usually, I would’ve been more worried but there was a new series I wanted to read. “We’ll score the dare from one to ten. A dare scoring one is the easiest and ten will be the most difficult. We’ll find the average of the dare. The higher the average, the better. Got it?” We all nodded yes.

            “I’ll go first with a dare ranked at ten,” Melissa suddenly said, as if it was meant to be a private thought. When she finally realized she spoke out loud, her eyes filled with excitement. “Hit me with your best dare,” She said arrogantly.

            “You have to go dye your hair neon pink. You can use my dye. I was going to dye it after school, but I think this would be a much better purpose for it,” Amy proposed with a faux cruel look. Melissa made an almost inaudible squeak as if to confirm it. Melissa’s mom would most likely murder her for it later. “So it’s settled, after school we’re dying your hair,” Amy repeated to confirm. By now, Melissa had relaxed.

            Getting tired of standing there like a useless idiot I spoke,

"I’ll do an eight point dare," with the perfect glint of mischief in my eyes.

            "You have to go and kiss Darren Sanders," Sophie suggested.

            “For at least ten seconds, on the lips,” Raquel added.

            "Darren Sanders I ca-" I asked timidly. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling so confident.

            "A dare is a dare. Go ahead. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? He'll reject you, laugh at you, and the whole school will be talking about you. That's not SO bad," Jolie finished. I would've smacked her right them and there, but Jolie truly meant it. The girl had no sense of sarcasm.

            “You ALL stink! Uch,” I complained and started walking towards Darren. He wouldn’t reject me, he loves any action he could get.  I had all the reasons to believe it, but I just wasn’t. I fluffed my hair, added some lipstick, and walked towards him.

Darren’s POV:

            “I’d say she’s an..... eight. Yep, she’s definitely an eight. Her body is killer, but her face and hair clearly came out of a dumpster,” Hunter and Zack nodded their head in agreement. I started scanning the halls for new chicks to rate when my eyes landed on her. She had almond-shaped hazel eyes that were more green than brown. Her messy brunette hair was in a high ponytail. Usually brunettes are a turn off, but she had just the right shade. I finally found my voice and said,” Zack, what do you think about her?” I asked nonchalantly.

            Zack gave her a quick glance before giving his opinion,” She’s about a six. Her hair is too frizzy, face has no make-up, she’s flat, and her stomach isn’t completely flat.” I nearly choked on his review. She looked like she came out of a photo shoot.

            Hunter must have heard me choke from disbelief because he teased,” Disagree with him, eh? Go up to her and kiss her then. I’m sure it will be the thrill of the six’s year.” I was about to tell him why I couldn’t do that, but by then I realized he didn’t know what happened.

            Not wanting to look like a chicken I slowly walked up to her, just to bump into her. I was about to say hello when she cut me off with her lips. After she stopped kissing me she smiled, turned around, and strutted back to her friends before breaking into giggles. She couldn’t have remembered..... Right?

Charlotte’s POV:

            A note jabbed me in the back. “Ow,” I shouted before I could control myself.

            “Ms. Evans, I trust that there is nothing wrong,” My English teacher firmly spoke. I nodded my head in agreement, while trying to hide the note. My attempt was pointless because it had fallen into my open backpack. “Then why are you disrupting my class?” Mr.Epans asked while trying to hide the amusement out of his voice. After twenty-five years of teaching, he needed something to look forward to. Bashing his students was that something. I got off lucky compared to what he’s done to some other students. I suddenly remembered my first day of freshman year. He had handed out a worksheet of topics we had yet to learn. He picked the most unintelligent student in the class (Stacy Higgins) and asked her to come up to write a nine-page essay. She left the class with her mascara stained and two detentions for the upcoming week. He turned around to continue writing when I finally opened the note.

Is it true?My reaction to that was utter confusion. I wrote back:  Is what true? I could practically hear Victoria roll her eyes.  First I heard a thump, and then I saw it.

That you and Darren. Everybody saw you two make out in the hallways. What happened? He’s way out your league. He got you pregnant, didn’t he! Now he’s trying to be a good dad. Awe, how cute. I wish he would get me pregnant. He’s YUMMY!

I should’ve known not to accept a note from his ex-girlfriend/stalker. I ripped up the ludicrous note and put it  on the corner of my desk. I realized that I would most likely have a quiz on what Mr. Epans was saying and started taking notes.

*********************************************************************************************************************Author's note: If you read this, I hope you enjoyed it. When I get 5 votes I'll update (I'm sort of busy, but I'll make time) BTW! Mr. Epans is inspired by Professor Snape!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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