Chapter 1: My Stars.

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"AMELIA! AMELIA! AMELIA!" My fans screaming my name just the way I like it. I've been doing this for years and I'm still not used to how I've come this far from being a small town girl to being the most known singer in the U.S.

I slowly stand up, putting my signature red high heels on and exiting through my dressing room, to see Randy my manager with his fist up and a scowl on his face.

"Hey, randy." Randy has been my manager since I was 10, he's got blonde hair, blue eyes and is engaged to his new fiancée Derek, they've been going strong for years now and I admire their relationship.

"Don't 'Hey Randy' me little lady you were supposed to be on stage about 15 minutes ago." He stated with his blue eyes a shade darker. He started to walk off in the direction of the stage.

"I know, I know I'm so sorry Randy I didn't even realize it was time to start, I was to caught up in my thoughts." I try to say, as I run to catch up with him. Know matter how many times my trainer tells me that I need to run I still don't, so by the time I catch up with him, Im wheezing for air.

"You should really start listening to your trainer when she says that you need to run more, but it's fine honey just don't let it happen again. Now go!!!!" He then proceed to shove my mic in my hand and shove my baby AKA my gold electric guitar that was a present from my parents, when I first started to get passionate with my music, my eyes started to feel with tears thinking about them, I miss them so much.

" Good luck!!" Randy shouts as I proceed to enter on the stage, the crowd screams my name as loud as they can as soon as I enter on to the stage and I smile with happiness, I look up at the stars and smile just thinking that there watching me and proceed to strum my guitar and get lost in the music.


" I wanna dream, I wanna dreamm, leave me to dream." I sang the last part of the song, and proceed to thank our fans with my band, and wave before exiting the stage. I have to say Los Angeles has been good, but I just want to go home back to New York.

"Oh my gosh, you did so good out there!!!" My best friend Jamie gushed with her latest new boy toy beside her. We've been best friends ever since I could remember, she has short black hair with green eyes, and has her ways with men, no matter how many times I've told her not to fool around, she just brushes it off and tells me " lia, how am I ever going to get old and wise if ain't ever young and crazy?" Which I reply with an whatever.

" Thanks jam, and you are?" I jester to Jamie's new boy toy, I have to say she did good this time He's tall and has the most piercing Brown eyes, but not my type. Heck I haven't dated since well ever, yes I know what you must be thinking what kind of pop star hand dated or even had her first kiss yet, the answer is me, me I have no shame about it either, I mean who would want to get into a relationship with all these famous people? There's just way to much stuff to put up with like paparazzi, no the rumors and all that other stuff, I just don't have time for all of that.

"Hey, I'm Eric and you must be the famous Amelia, it's such an honor to meet you." He gushes while staring at me, with lust in his eyes. O-Kaay then, this isn't actually the first time this has happened. Jam thinks it's always a good idea to bring her new conquest to my concerts back stage, and it goes down hill every time, when will she learn?

"Hello ladies, are you ready to go to the party now?" Randy swoops in to the save the day again, boy do owe him big time. See Randy has like this super power where he nows I start to feel awkward and always rushes to save the day. I quickly mod my head at him and proceed to quickly fast walk to the limo, to get out of that awkward situation.


As soon as we reach the red carpet I all but jumped out of that limo, faster then you can say pizza. Eric wouldn't shut about how awesome he will be when he tells his friends that he rode in limo with a famous person, and blamed on and on and on, I was soon fixing to chuck my heel at his face, I swear the next time Jamie decides to bring her next victim with I will through my self off the stage just so I won't have to sit through another hour of torture.

"AMELIA, OVER HERE!!" "IS IT TRUE THAT YOU AND JAX ARE DATING?" "AMELIA-" screamed the paparazzi that seriously have nothing better to do then stalk famous people and figure what kind of underwear we wear, like who does that, crazy people that's what.

I smile and pose for the camera and politely decline that me and Jax are dating. I almost wanted to shout at her for even saying that I was dating such a disgusting pig, he plays girls and then dumps them at his movie premieres, who does that?!? I still remember the first day I met him, he came up to me right after he dumped his latest victim on the red carpet and asked me if i wanted to hook up, I yelled in his face and told him what a pig he is and dumped my drink all over him, ever since then we declared our mutual hatred for each other.

After talking to a few more reporters, I go inside and talk to a few of my friends, and make a bee line straight to the bar to ask the bartender for a soda and finally sit down after talking to people for almost an hour in my killer heels, the word describes these death traps perfectly, even after 5 years of wearing them I can still barley last 5 minutes.

The bartender comes over and hands me my soda I quietly thank him, and take a sip of the soda that quenches my thirst. I turn around ready to get up and find jam, only to have a body slam into me making me trip and fall onto a hard chest, I look up to thank the person who caught me only to have those words in my throat die and turn into a hard glare, because it's the one and only Jax knight.

" Babe, if you wanted me you could of just said so" he says smirking, I almost growl at the guy, I swear this guy brings out the worst in me. Jax is your typical heartthrob bad boy, he stars in that hit new tv show called the originals or whatever, I refuse to watch because it he's in it.

" listen here you piece of s-" my sentence gets cut of with the unthinkable his lips slamming onto mine, and I do the most stupidest thing I've ever done I kissed him back.


This is my first book!! Squeals excitingly.

If you like it vote please, If you don't then oh well I tried. If you would like to make a cover for my book message me and I'll gladly give you my email!

So I would like to get to know my readers so I will ask you questions after every chapter and I'll make sure I'll to respond to your messages!
Q: who is your favorite character in the vampire diaries?
Me: I would have to say Elena and Damien!

Until next time my sugarplums (still working on what to call you guys!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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