brad and rose ...........

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welll.....  i'm sorry beacause i know most girls on wattpad like romance novels  and vampire twilight lovedovey stuf . yeah this is not really love dovey more bro  and sis . and how her bro is over protective of her  and luky you  there were wolves  .you will love this book ...hope i didn't give too much away . 

Hi myname is rose i'm 16 and i've gota older brother named brad  he is so over prortec tive of me . I mean i love him  like any sister would love there older brother he can get realy anoying  somtimes. 

i.e : jason   cute boy from school ask me out  we went on the date and he kissed me . When i went home . brad was freakinfg and ask me where i was .I said out on adate . he  had a spaz attack and  said with who i told it was jason . he freaked did he kiss you isaid yes he said some very rude words and  went to bed .(don't like swearing and  my pearents use this pc too.pc means pearsonal computer)  .the next day  brad went up to  jason the next day  and punched him saying don't you ever touch my sister again . now obviously me and jason talked we say each other behind brads back he found and lets say it was bad very bad ...... so never dated  again fyi iwas 14  at the time .

now even if some one hits on  me he gives that glare like awarning like i siad were werewolves he would eat them a live if anyone kissed me.if some on creepy dose something i don't like  i tell him . he even hurts them bad when  i fake cry . i love for dealing with the  stupid jerk players in the school and he only does it for me not even his girlfreind .hmmmm girlfreinds that reminds me thats how  i help him  i talk to girls he likes for him. ooooh where are you isaid to myself .he's so latye and i'm  begining to tell you my whole life story........

''sis you ready ' he asked . i reaplied ' me ready i've been waiting  for you for over and hour , brad ' isaid fustrated and tired ' yeah i'm tired too sis but you don't have to cus me ......oohh yeah jade has a crush on you  so if he trys anything tell me ok ' he said anxiously . ' but  try and manage to control your self and not turn alpha wolf ok , just talk to him and do that  - glare thing if you your eyes turn orange i will start crying every on will stare at me so you come talk me out then you can  shift ok. 'ok , just tell me if he does some thing ok '. did i mention my brother can be a bit of aplayer exept he does not sleep with the girls he jsust stays with them for period of time and then he dumps them but he tells me and only  me when hes serious about someone . another goood thing is trhat when i got o cry to my bro i can check out all the boys then after i can hang with them and my brother .however back to story .

I went into school and  jade came over to me4 and kissed me then slapped my bum obviusly nobady told him beacause he's new to  avalon high  . i ran  over to brad with tears in my eyes . 'bbbbrad he    kkkkkised me and sssslaped my bum ' isaid burying my heas in his chest .'where is he ' brad said in a alpha wolf comanding voice .anger burned insidehim as he marched over to jade .' dude i'm going to kill you for touching my sister' his were turning orange oh no .cry cry cry i screamed to  myself . water streamed down my eyes . 'ooooh jade your lucky shes crying i'm going to kill you when i get back 'he said .' come on rose lets go ' said brad puting her hand over his nechk carrying her out .

                                                                * OUTSIDE*

' ok you can  change now i feel like arun too i 'm gonna come too ok ' ........


authurs note

welll this is my first story sory is theren were some mistakes  

thankyou for reading my next chapter will be better 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2011 ⏰

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