jazz:(standing at her locker)
leah:(walks up to her)are you jazz
jazz:yes thats me and you must be leah ray's ex
leah:he may have told you that but we are still a couple and we have been si(gco)
jazz:leah save it i heard the whol,e conversation and i heard that you were gonna bust a cap in my ass and i would fight you right here but im not getting expelled at the end of the year for killing your ratchet ass
jazz:(thinking:where did they come from)
leah:oh you really think you can beat me
jazz:well obviously..or did i stutter
jazz:(laughs to herself)
leah:ok ill see you after school at the park righht off of school property
*ray walks over to jazz*
jazz:ok ill be there..dont bring your crew or else ill bring mine
leah:ok(walks away)
jazz:(under her breath)basic bitches these days
ray(kisses you):whats going on
jazz:me and that(pointing to leah)are fighting...for what reason i dont know
ray:ill be there
jazz:(pulls out phone)dont worry ive done my research
(shows ray a fight)
a/n:if there is a video leah is the one getting beat up
ray:dang she got that tail tore up
jazz:(puts away phone)right and shes smaller than me
ray:ok but im still gonna be there so i can put it on world star haha
Meant to be
Fanfictionthis story is bad since it's my first story....but if you like it vote and comment