Dear Peace

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Dear Peace,

Where are you when we need you? Why are you always hiding around the corner, always just out of reach? Why do you let our fingertips graze you but never fully grasp you? Are we contaminated, are we contagious, have we done something to harm you?

I know you're upset: War only rages once peace is upset. We were gravely mistaken to believe that winning would lead to you. After the war, things were worse than they were before, you never really came back did you? Our world is lost without you among us creating bridges between the people. Without you, the war still continues, just without the battlefield and the guns.

So now I get down on my hands and knees to ask you, no, beg you, to please return.

I can only hope this reaches you, but I doubt it - Hope is another warrior who has left our ranks. Still, with all due respect,

Me, the messenger to Peace

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