Dear Anger

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Dear Anger,

I know you quite well and I'm not proud of it. You come much more easily to me, than as to other people. I am vulnerable to you; rage boils within me without reason; I scream and shout with no point - and I am ashamed.

I know every person will encounter you, some more than others, and I want to be one who rarely meets you. Please bare with me here when I ask you to try to calm yourself within me. Stop bucking and rearing away, become tame and let me catch your reins. You will make me a happier person if you do this, and not only me, but also others my anger affects. Won't you have a lighter heart knowing you have done someone a gratifying deed?


Me, The One consumed with Anger

Its not very good, I know, but I'm trying. I have decided that I will only have five more letters after this, then I'll stop, due to my schedule being utterly busy. Please comment and vote. Your true opinions are always welcome :D


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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