saved- One direction fanfic

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Hey, so this is like my 3rd time trying to write one of these, I always start them but after a few chapters I forget about them, I'll try not to do that this time haha, so yeah vote&comment please :)

Chapter one:

"You're worthless, you can't do anything right!" My dad yelled at me, he was right, I couldn't do anything right. I was completely worthless, I'd be better of dead.. I tried to run, I didn't even know where I was going but I just started running.

"I'm not finished with you!" I could hear him yell, but his voice seemed distant now.

After about 10 minutes of running,I stopped for a bit. I didn't realise it was raining until now, I wiped the tears and rain off my face, I was shivering. It was so cold, all I had on was a pair of leggings,uggs and a top and hoody. What was I going to do? I couldn't go back to my house now, my dad would beat me even worse than usual. I sad down on a curb looking around and taking in my surroundings, I had no idea where I was. I was probably going to die out here in the freezing cold and rain.. I brought my knees up to my face resting my face on them and hugging my legs, I closed my eyes and sat like that for what seemed like forever but was probably only 15 minutes.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned around to be faced with a boy with shortish wavy hair and brown eyes, I recognised him from somewhere but I just couldn't think of where from.

"Hey, em are you okay?" He asked me.

What does he think? Of course I'm not okay, I'm in a ball in the middle of a random street in London in the freezing cold rain.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied to him, returning to my position before.

"You don't look okay, why are you out here?" He asked.

I started to explain the whole situation to him, leaving out the part about my dad abusing me of course.

"Oh wait, what are we doing out here when its raining and freezing, you look a mess, here take my hand."

He gestured his hand for me to take.

"Oh thanks for telling me I look a mess" I said sarcastically.

"Oh shit, sorry I didn't mean that, am, no its just that, em" he said, obviously he'd thought I was being serious.

"Hahaha I was joking calm down" I replied.

"Oh that's good, come on then, let's go back to my place." He said.

saved- One direction fanficWhere stories live. Discover now